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This section provides instructions for curating organization records.

Both data providers (via PO services) and PO web application users can create and modify Organizations and their associated roles in the PO system. The system tracks who creates and modifies organizations to ensure that data is neither overridden inappropriately nor duplicated. See How the CTRP System Processes Record Updates.

Creating New Organization Records

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

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Curating Organization Records

The following records are available for curation and appear in your Inbox when you log in:
  • Records that have the curation status "Active" with roles pending or change requests
  • Records that have the curation status "Pending"
  • Records that contain a role that has the curation status "Pending"
  • Records for which there are one or more requests for changes

You can curate them in any order, sort the table to curate them in a specific order (see Navigating Records in Tables), or search for a particular record (see Searching for Organization Records).

How to Curate Organization Records

  1. On the main menu, under Organization, click Inbox. All organization records (except those that have been nullified) that require curation are displayed. The number of changes, if any, that have been requested for each record is displayed in the Change Request(s) column. You can access and curate pending roles associated with each organization record. 

  2. In the Action Column, click Curate. The Organization Details page displays all information about the organization provided to date.
  3. To ensure that there are no duplicate, or near-duplicate records in the system, search the CTRP database for the organization name. See Resolving Duplicate Records. Review the data on the Organization Detail page, and then continue with one or more of the appropriate options in the table below.
    Options for curating organization details

    If the data is...

    Do this


    Correct and complete

    Change the curation status to Active.
    See Modifying Organization Details.

    The system saves the record. Click Inbox again and navigate to the next record.
    You are now ready to curate the next record.

    Not acceptable, that is, some or all of the data in the record is obviously wrong, or the record is a duplicate of another

    Change the curation status to Nullified. See Resolving Duplicate Records and Deleting (Nullifying) Organization Records.

    The system marks the record as Nullified and returns you to the Inbox.
    Because you nullified the record, it no longer appears in the Inbox. Although the system has removed the record from view, the system stores the record with a status Nullified.
    You are now ready to curate the next record.

    Not complete, or not accurate, and you are not able to provide all the information needed.

    Modify the record as needed, keep the curation status, Pending, and click Save.

    The system saves the record as Pending and returns you to the Inbox.
    The record retains its Pending status.
    You are now ready to curate the next record.

    Not complete, or not accurate, and you are able to provide all the information needed.

    Complete the record as needed, change the curation status to Active, and click Save.
    See the instructions provided for the following tasks:

    The system saves the record as Active and returns you to the Inbox.
    You are now ready to curate the next record.

For more instructions, refer to the following pages:


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Modifying Organization Records

Unable to render {include} The included page could not be found.

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How the CTRP System Processes Record Updates

The CTRP system handles updates differently for different scenarios. Doing so ensures data integrity. How the system processes updates depends on a variety of factors, including the following:
  • Whether the update was to a person or an organization. If the update was to an organization, then it depends on whether the update was to the entity level (which is owned by CTRP), or to the role level (which is owned by CTEP), or to both.
  • What is being updated (just name or both name and address).
  • Who created the record
  • Whether the record has been overwritten.

When the system considers who created the record, it considers the following user categories:

  • A PO Curator is a member from the PO Curation Team and logs into the PO Curation application.

  • PO User is a broad term to cover any user who accesses PO data. Consider the following examples:

    • When a Registration application user requests the creation of a new organization, the Registration application is a PO user.

    • When a Protocol Abstraction application user requests the creation of a new organization, the Protocol Abstraction application is a PO user.

    • Someone who is using the PO web services to query person and organization data from PO is a PO User. Cancer Centers and other NCI divisions and centers use PO web services.

  • A Data Provider is a special and privileged type of PO User. This user is considered a source of person and organization data in PO. The CTEP Enterprise Core Module (ECM) system is the primary data provider for PO.

In most cases, the system handles modifications by users other than PO Curators as Change Requests. In some cases, PO Curators and Data Providers can update data by overriding existing data. At that time, the system captures information about the user who overrode the data.

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Changing the Curation Status

CTEP IDs associated with a Research Organization or Healthcare Facility

If the organization has a CTEP ID associated with a Research Organization or Healthcare Facility role, you can not change the curation status.

The curation status you select for a record affects the way in which the CTRP displays and stores it, as follows:

  • Nullified – Record is merged into another record. Record remains in the CTRP database, but is no longer displayed. All trial records, accrual (if any), and structural roles are transferred to the organization into which the record was merged.

    You can not nullify an organization that has been assigned a structural role owned by CTEP-ECM (Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program-Enterprise Core Model). However, you can nullify an organization with a CTEP ID if the CTEP ID is Inactive.

  • Active – Record is accurate and complete. Record is displayed in the Inbox.

    If the P/O Curation Portal receives a request for a change in the record, it displays the record in the Inbox marked as “Change Request.”

    The system assigns this status automatically to CTEP organizations. Therefore there are no change requests for organizations with CTEP IDs.

  • Inactive – Record is no longer valid. Or, an entity role or relationship is no longer valid.

    You can not inactivate a CTEP organization.

  • Pending – Record is inaccurate or incomplete. Record is displayed in the Inbox unless it is curated.

How to Change the Curation Status

  1. In the Basic Identifying Information section, select the current status from the New Status drop-down list.

    When you nullify an organization, the system ends all active family organization relationships as well.

  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save.


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Assigning Roles to Organizations

Because clinical trials can involve a network of persons and organizations, one of the key functions of a curator is to identify the interrelationships among them. You can identify each organization by the role(s) it plays in support of various clinical research activities.

Organizations can exist as standalone entities without an assigned role. However, organizations that have roles in a "Pending" state appear in the Inbox until the roles have been curated.

There are two main types of roles, as follows:

  • Structural role– Permanent role of an organization as defined by another organization. Specifies capability and competency. Predefined structural roles are as follows:

    • Research organizations
    • Health care facilities

      Structural roles do not have to be scoped by another organization.

  • Functional role – Temporary role based on activities that an organization participates in. Predefined functional roles are as follows:
    • Identified organizations
    • Oversight committees
    • Organizational contacts
    • Families


You can not modify the assignment of CTEP-owned roles.

How to Assign Roles

  1. Navigate to the record of interest. 
  2. In the Action column for a given organization, click Curate.

The Assign Organization Roles section toward the bottom of the Organization Details page displays tabbed pages for each of the role types. Each page displays the roles currently assigned to the organization (if applicable).

Information on Tab Labels

The Organization Details page displays all details about the organization provided to date. The tab labels in the Assign Organizational Roles section at the bottom of the page display the number of each role already associated with the organization that you are curating (if applicable). The letter "P" beside the role name on each of the tabbed pages indicates that at least one role is pending curation.

Assign Organizational Roles section of the Organization Details page

Proceed to the instructions provided for each role type in the following pages:

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Managing Research Organizations

You must identify each organization uniquely and assign it a research role.

Information on Tab Labels

The Organization Details page displays all details about the organization provided to date. The tab labels in the Assign Organizational Roles section at the bottom of the page display the number of each role already associated with the organization that you are curating (if applicable). The letter "P" beside the role name on each of the tabbed pages indicates that at least one role is pending curation.

How to Manage Research Organizations

  1. Navigate to the record of interest. 
  2. In the Action column for a given organization, click Curate.
  3. In the Assign Organization Roles section toward the bottom of the Organization Details page, click the RO (Research Organization(s) tab.
    The RO page displays the research roles currently assigned to the organization (if applicable).

    You can sort the records

    Click the column heading once to sort the records in ascending order.  An arrow head indicates whether the sort order is descending or ascending. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.

    RO (Research Organization) tab of the Assign Organizational Roles section

  4. Follow one of the options in the table below to continue assigning roles:
    Options for assigning roles to an organization

    If there are...


    Do this

    No research organization role records displayed

    You want to add a role

    Proceed to the next step.

    One or more organization role records displayed

    The information for them is correct

    Proceed with other aspects of the organization curation.

    One or more organization role records displayed

    The information for them is incorrect

    In the Action column for the record you want to modify, click Edit, and proceed to the table below.

  5. To add a role, click Add Research Organization.
    The Create Research Organization page appears.
    Create Research Organization page
  6. Select or enter the appropriate information in the text fields and drop-down lists. Fields are described in the following table.

    Field Label


    Research Organization Name

    Enter the organization’s name.

    Research Organization Type

    Select the type of role to assign. Depending on the type you select, you may be required to provide funding information.

    Role Status

    Select the curation status of the organization in its current role.


    Enter alternate names for the organization. Click Add after you enter each alternate name.  

    It is not possible to create or update a Research Organization to the ACTIVE state.

  7. In the Address Information section, click Add Postal Address, and follow the instructions in Entering Address Information.
  8. Click Save.
    The information appears in the Address Information section on the Create Research Organization page.
    Create Research Organization page with address information  
  9. Do one of the following to continue:
    • To change the information in the address section, click Edit.
      - or -
    • To delete the address information, click Remove.
      - or -
    • To add another address, click Add Postal Address.
  10. Complete the remaining Contact Information fields.

    Remember to click Add after you complete each of the contact information fields.

  11. Click Save, then click Return to Organization Details.

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Managing Identified Organizations

An identifier allows someone to select one record, object, or thing from a set of candidates. Each organization in the P/O Curation Portal is identified uniquely. Additionally, each affiliated organization is identified in the context of its role.

Information on Tab Labels

The Organization Details page displays all details about the organization provided to date. The tab labels in the Assign Organizational Roles section at the bottom of the page display the number of each role already associated with the organization that you are curating (if applicable). The letter "P" beside the role name on each of the tabbed pages indicates that at least one role is pending curation.

How to Manage Identified Organizations

  1. Navigate to the record of interest. 
  2. In the Action column for a given organization, click Curate.
  3. In the Assign Organization Roles section at the bottom of the Organization Details page, click the Identified Org (Identified Organization) tab.
    The Identified Organization Information page displays the research roles currently assigned to the organization (if applicable).

    You can sort the records

    Click the column heading once to sort the records in ascending order.  An arrow head indicates whether the sort order is descending or ascending. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.

    Identified Org (Identified Organization) tab of the Assign Organizational Roles section

  4. Follow one of the options in the table below to continue assigning roles:
    Options for assigning roles to an organization

    If there are...


    Do this

    No Identified organization role records displayed

    You want to add a role

    Proceed to the next step.

    One or more organization role records displayed

    The information for them is correct

    Proceed with other aspects of the organization curation.

    One or more organization role records displayed

    The information for them is incorrect

    In the Action column for the record you want to modify, click Edit, and select an affiliated organization.

  5. To add a role, click Add Identified Organization.
    The Create Identified Organization page appears.
    Create Identified Organization page
    Create Identified Organization Page
  6. Click Select Affiliated Organization.
    The Find Organization(s) page appears.
  7. If appropriate, change the Role Status to Active.
  8. Complete the rest of the Assigned ISO II (International Organization for Standardization Instance Identifier) fields to create a unique identifier for the affiliated organization in its current role. Select or enter the appropriate information in the text fields and drop-down lists. Fields are described in the following table. Items with an asterisk are required fields.

    Field Label



    Indicate whether the identifier is intended for human display and data entry. Select TRUE to indicate that it is displayable; and FALSE if it is not.


    Type the identifier that, when joined with the root, identifies the organization/role as a unique object.

    Identifier Name

    Type the human-readable, descriptive name for the namespace represented in the root.


    Optionally, specify the reliability with which this identifier is known. The HL7 Identifier code values are as follows:

    • ISS (issued by system). The identifier was issued by the system responsible for constructing the instance.
    • VRF (verified by system). The identifier was not issued by the system responsible for constructing the instance,but the system that captured the ID has verified the identifier with the issuing authority, or with another system that has verified the identifier.
    • UNV (unverified by system). The identifier was provided to the system that constructed the instance, but has not been verified. (e.g., a value entered manually into a system by a user.


    Type the name of the parent organization that guarantees its global uniqueness.


    Optionally, specify the scope code. Valid HL7 Identifier Scope code values are as follows:

    • BUSN (business identifier). An identifier whose scope is defined by business practices associated with the object. In contrast to the other scope identifiers, the scope of the use of the ID is not necessarily restricted to a single object, but may be reused for other objects closely associated with the object due to business practice.
    • OBJ (object identifier). The identifier associated with a particular object. It remains consistent as the object undergoes state transitions.
    • VER (version identifier). An identifier that references a particular object as it existed at a given point in time. The identifier SHALL change with each state transition
      on the object. That is, the version identifier of an object prior to a “suspend” state transition is distinct from the identifier of the object after the state transition. Each
      version identifier can be tied to exactly one Control Act event which brought that version into being (though the control act may never be instantiated).

      Applications that do not support versioning of objects must ignore and not persist these IDs to avoid confusion resulting from leaving the same identifier on an object that undergoes changes.

    • VW (view specific identifier). An identifier for a particular snapshot of a version of the object. This identifies a view of the business object at a particular point in time, and as such identifies a set of data items that can be digitally signed and/or attested. This is in contrast to the Version Identifier which identifies the object at a specific time, but not the amount of information being asserted about the object. This identifier would be changed when a transformation of the information is performed (e.g., to add code translations, to provide a simplified textual rendering, or to provide additional information about the object as it existed at the specific point in time).

  9. Click Save, then click Return to Organization Details.

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Managing Oversight Committees

Each organization in the P/O Curation system, including each oversight committee, must be identified uniquely.

Information on Tab Labels

The Organization Details page displays all details about the organization provided to date. The tab labels in the Assign Organizational Roles section at the bottom of the page display the number of each role already associated with the organization that you are curating (if applicable). The letter "P" beside the role name on each of the tabbed pages indicates that at least one role is pending curation.

How to Manage Oversight Committees

  1. Navigate to the record of interest. 
  2. In the Action column for a given organization, click Curate.
  3. In the Assign Organizational Roles section at the bottom of the Organization Details page, click the Oversight Committee tab.
    The Oversight Committee page displays the research roles currently assigned to the organization (if applicable).

    You can sort the records

    Click the column heading once to sort the records in ascending order.  An arrow head indicates whether the sort order is descending or ascending. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.

    Oversight Committee tab of the Assign Organizational Roles section
    Manage Oversight Committee Information Page

  4. Follow one of the options in the table below to continue assigning roles:
    Options for assigning roles to an organization

    If there are...


    Do this

    No oversight committee role records displayed

    You want to add a role

    Proceed to the next step.

    One or more oversight committee role records displayed

    The information for them is correct

    Proceed with other aspects of the organization curation.

    One or more oversight committee role records displayed

    The information for them is incorrect

    In the Action column for the record you want to modify, click Edit, and proceed to Oversight Committee Type.

  5. To add a role, click Add Oversight Committee.
    The Create Oversight Committee page appears.
    Sections of the Create Oversight Committee page
    Create Oversight Committee Page
  6. From the Oversight Committee Type drop-down list, select the appropriate committee type. Valid values are as follows:
    • IRB (Institutional Review Board)
    • Ethics Committee
    • Research Ethics Board
  7. If appropriate, change the Role Status to Active.
  8. In the Address Information section, click Add Postal Address, and follow the instructions in Entering Address Information.
  9. Click Save.
    The information appears in the Address Information section on the Create Oversight Committee page.
    Address Information section of the Create Oversight Committee page
    Oversight Committee– Address Information Section
  10. Do one of the following to continue:

    1. To change the information in the address section, click Edit.
      - or -
    2. To delete the address information, click Remove.
      - or -
    3. To add another address, click Add Postal Address.
  11. Complete the remaining Contact Information fields.

    Remember to click Add after you complete each of the contact information fields.
  12. Click Save, then click Return to Organization Details.

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Managing Health Care Facilities

You must identify each organization, including each health care facility, uniquely.

Information on Tab Labels

The Organization Details page displays all details about the organization provided to date. The tab labels in the Assign Organizational Roles section at the bottom of the page display the number of each role already associated with the organization that you are curating (if applicable). The letter "P" beside the role name on each of the tabbed pages indicates that at least one role is pending curation.

An organization may have more than one health care facility associated with it. Each health care facility may have more than one postal address.

How to Manage Health Care Facilities

  1. Navigate to the record of interest. 
  2. In the Action column for a given organization, click Curate.
  3. In the Assign Organization Roles section toward the bottom of the Organization Details page, click the Health Care Facility tab. This is the default tab.
    The Manage Health Care Facility page displays the research roles currently assigned to the organization (if applicable).

    You can sort the records

    Click the column heading once to sort the records in ascending order.  An arrow head indicates whether the sort order is descending or ascending. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.

    HCF (Health Care Facility) tab of the Assign Organizational Roles section

  4. Follow one of the options in the table below to continue assigning roles:
    Options for assigning roles to an organization

    If there are...


    Do this

    No health care facility role records displayed

    You want to add a role

    Proceed to the next step.

    One or more health care facility role records displayed

    The information for them is correct

    Proceed with other aspects of the organization curation.

    One or more health care facility role records displayed

    The information for them is incorrect

    In the Action column for the record you want to modify, click Edit, and proceed to Editing Health Care Facility Records.

  5. To add a role, click Add Health Care Facility.
    The Create Health care Facility page appears.
    Top portion of the Create Health Care Facility page  
  6. In the Health Care Facility Name field, type the name of the organization operating in the role of health care facility.
  7. Optionally in the Alias field, e nter alternate names for the organization. Click Add after you enter each alternate name. 

  8. In the Address Information section, click Add Postal Address, and follow the instructions in  Entering Address Information.

    You cannot create or update a Healthcare Facility role status to ACTIVE.

    The information appears in the Address Information section on the Create Health Care Facility page.
    Address Information section of the Create Health Care Facility page

  9. Do one of the following to continue:
    • To change the information in the address section, click Edit.
      - or -
    • To delete the address information, click Remove.
      - or -
    • To add another address, click Add Postal Address.
  10. Complete the remaining Contact Information.

    Remember to click Add after you complete each of the contact information fields.

  11. Click Save, then click Return to Organization Details.
    The system assigns the health care facility a unique ID.

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Editing Health Care Facility Records

How to Edit Health Care Facility Records
  1. Navigate to the record of interest. 
  2. In the Action column for a given organization, click Curate.
  3. In the Assign Organization Roles section toward the bottom of the Organization Details page, click the Health Care Facility tab. This is the default tab.
    The Manage Health Care Facility page displays the research roles currently assigned to the organization (if applicable). 

    HCF (Health Care Facility) tab of the Assign Organizational Roles section

  4. Click Edit.
    The Edit Health Care Facility page appears.
    Top portion of the Edit Health Care Facility page

  5. If you are not the record owner, click Override.
    The Edit Health Care Facility page appears.
    Top portion of the Edit Health Care Facility page, after override

  6. In the Health Care Facility Name field, edit the name of the organization operating in the role of health care facility.
  7. Optionally in the Alias field, enter or edit alternate names for the organization. Click Add after you enter each alternate name.

    You can not update a Healthcare Facility role status to ACTIVE. 

    Health Care Facility Role Information section of Edit Health Care Facility page, list of statuses

  8. In the Address Information section, click Add Postal Address, and follow the instructions in Entering Address Information.

    The information appears in the Address Information section on the Edit Health Care Facility page.

  9. Complete the remaining Contact Information fields.

    Remember to click Add after you complete each of the contact information fields.

  10. Click Save.

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Curating Organization Records with Change Requests

Users of applications that interface with the P/O Curation Portal, for example, Protocol Abstraction, can add, or request changes to, records in the system. New records appear in the Inbox with the status "Pending". Requests for changes to existing records that have been curated previously are also displayed in the Inbox, identified in the Status column by Change Request (n) where n is the number of requests.

How to Curate Records with Change Requests

  1. On the main menu, click Inbox and locate the record with the Change Request indicator displayed in the Status column. Or, search for the organization if you know which record requires one or more changes. See Navigating Records in Tables or Searching for Organization Records.
  2. In the Action column, click Curate.

    Screen layout

    Depending on your screen size and orientation, the system might display the two records side-by-side. In this case, the original record appears on the left side of the page, and requested changes appear on the right. Otherwise, the system might display the change request information below the original record.

  3. If you are not the record owner, click Override.  

    If more than one change has been requested, select a request from the Change Request Information drop-down list at the top right corner of the requested change record.
    Green asterisks next to data elements indicate changed values. 

      It is possible, though rare, for a change request to include values that are identical to the record you are curating. This can occur because of the differences in data between the time you curate a record and when PO fetches data from ECM.

  4. Compare the information in each section of the original record with the corresponding section in the change request, and then do one of the following to modify the original record:
    • To modify the information manually, enter the new information exactly as it appears in the change request.
      - or -
    • To modify the information automatically, beside each detail for which there is a change, click Copy.
      The requested change is copied to the original record.

      You must enter aliases manually. Because Change Requests do not contain alias information, copying organization names from a change request record does not automatically modify the alias list.

      - or -

    • To delete a duplicate change request value, click Remove.
      The duplicate change request is deleted.
  5. Complete any missing information in the updated record, and then click Save.


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Deleting Organization Records

The CTRP system retains all records, even after you have deleted them. However, the system does not display deleted records. They remain in a "Nullified" state, and are not available for curation. When you nullify an organization, you must select a duplicate organization.

How to Delete an Organization Record

  1. If you are not the record owner, click Override.
  2. From the New Status drop-down list, select NULLIFIED.
  3. Follow the instructions in Resolving Duplicate Records to select a duplicate record.
  4. At the bottom of the page, click Save.


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Managing Families

An organization may belong to one or more families. Refer to Family and Organization Relationships.

How to Manage Families

  1. Navigate to the record of interest.
  2. In the Action column for a given organization, click Curate.
  3. In the Assign Organization Roles section toward the bottom of the Organization Details page, click Manage Family(s).
    The Manage Family(s) page displays the family(s) to which the organization currently belongs (if applicable).
    Manage Family(s) page
    Manage Family(s) Page
  4. Follow one of the options in the table below to continue assigning roles:

    If there are...


    Do this

    No research family records displayed

    You want to add a family

    Above the Action column, click Add, and follow the instructions in Adding Organizations to Families.

    One or more family records displayed

    The information for them is correct

    Click Return to Organization Details, and continue with the curation.

    One or more family records displayed

    The family membership is not valid

    In the Action column for the record you want to modify, click Remove.

    One or more organization role records displayed

    The information for them is incorrect

    In the Action column for the record you want to modify, click Edit, and follow the appropriate steps in Changing Functional and Hierarchical Relationships.

  5. Click Save, and then click Return to Families.
    The organization is added to the family.

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Importing CTEP Organization Records

You can import existing organization records from CTEP to the P/O Curation Portal rather than entering them into the system manually. The P/O Curation Portal system populates its records with the CTEP data based on the CTEP IDs you provide. Organizations imported from CTEP are designated "Pending" until they have been curated. When you change the status of the organization to "Active", the system changes any associated research organizations or health care facilities that have CTEP IDs to the same status (i.e., "Active") automatically.

How to Import CTEP Organization Records

  1. On the main menu, in the Organization section, click CTEP Import.
    The CTEP Organization Import page appears.
    CTEP Organization Import page
  2. Do one of the following to import the data:
    • To import multiple records simultaneously, under File, click Browse, and navigate to the file containing the IDs you want to upload. The file must be in the form of a text document, with each of the CTEP IDs listed individually on one line.
      - or -
    • To import individual records, in the CTEP ID field, type the CTEP ID of the organization record you want to import. This function enables you to import new organizations as they are added in CTEP rather than having to import an entire batch of records that you may have imported previously.
  3. Click Upload.

    The system maintains both CTEP and P/O Curation Portal IDs with each organization record imported.

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Searching for Organization Records

How to Search for Organization Records
  1. On the main menu, under Organization, click Search. The Find Organization(s) page appears.

  2. Provide as much information as you can about the organization. You are required to provide at least one search criterion. The following table describes the available search criteria.
    Organization search criteria

    Search Criteria



    Enter the Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program's identification number.

    The system searches for CTEP IDs associated with the organization's Research Organizations and/or Health Care Facilities and Identified Organization roles.

    Organization ID

    Enter the number that NCI assigned to the organization.


    Select the current curation status. For status descriptions, see Changing the Curation Status.

    Organization Name

    Enter part of the organization’s name, or, to narrow your search, enter the entire name.

    Search Aliases

    Clear this  check box if you want to exclude alternate names for the organization from the search criteria.  

    Family Name

    Enter part of the name of the family that the organization belongs to, or, to narrow your search, enter the entire name.

    Has Change RequestsSelect this check box to limit your search to organization records that have change requests.
    Has Pending HCF RolesSelect this check box to limit your search to organization records that have Health Care Facility roles pending curation.
    Has Pending RO RolesSelect this check box to limit your search to organization records that have Research Organization roles pending curation.

    Address Information

    Enter or select information in the address fields.

    You can select a State from a drop-down list if you select United States from the Country list first.

    If you select both pending role check boxes, search results include only those organization records that contain both pending HCF roles and pending RO roles.

  3. Click Search. The results of your search are displayed in a table below the search criteria fields.

    You can sort the records

    Click the column heading once to sort the records in ascending order.  An arrow head indicates whether the sort order is descending or ascending. Click the column heading again to reverse the sort order.

    Search Tip

    If the organization you were looking for is not listed, you may have searched too narrowly (that is, you may have provided too much information about the organization). If the list of results is very long and contains many organizations that are similar to yours, you can narrow your search by providing more information. If you still don’t find your organization in the CTRP system, you can create it as a new one. For instructions, see Creating New Organization Records.

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Resolving Duplicate Records

To ensure that there are no duplicate, or near-duplicate records in the system, search the CTRP database for the organization name before you create a new organization record or begin to curate an existing one. This is especially true for organizations with similar names. For example, organizations that are members of the same family may contain part of the family name.

If you find a duplicate record in the system, nullify the one you are currently curating. When you select the duplicate, the system merges the roles from the nullified organization to the duplicate one (the record
already in the system) automatically.

If the system detects conflicts when merging the roles of the nullified organization, it will nullify the conflicting information associated with the nullified organization and copy over any contact information to the role of the duplicate organization.

How to Search For Duplicate Records

  1. Navigate to the record of interest. See Searching For Organization Records .
  2. In the Action column for a given organization, click Curate. The Organization Details page displays all details about the organization provided to date.

  3. If you are not the record owner, click Override.

  4. From the New Status drop-down list, select NULLIFIED. See Changing the Curation Status. The Basic Identifying Information section expands to display a new Select Duplicate button.

  5. To select the duplicate record (i.e., the record you want to keep), next to Duplicate Of ORG ID, click Select Duplicate. The Find Organization(s) page appears.  

  6. Provide as much information about the organization as you can, and then click Search. You must use at least one search criterion. The search results represent the organizations that you can select as a duplicate of the record you are curating.

    Do not select as a duplicate the same organization that you are currently curating. Doing so will nullify the organization.

  7. To select the record that you want to replace the one you are currently nullifying, in the Action column, click Select. If the search results do not return a duplicate, click Back to Search Form and search for the organization using different criteria. The ORG-ID (organization identifier) of the duplicate you selected is displayed in the Basic Identifying Information section on the Organization Details page.  

    The organization name and aliases will be merged into the Duplicate of the Organization. 

  8. Optionally, at the bottom of the Organization Details page, enter any comments you may have in the Comments text field.
  9. Click Save. Or, to return to the organization without nullifying it, click Reset.
    Although the record you were curating is essentially removed from view, the CTRP stores the record with a status “nullified.” The status of the duplicate record you selected does not change.


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