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Template:Menu LexEVS 6.0 Value
Value Sets Graphical User Interface (VS GUI) is developed using java SWT widgets to help developers/testers to quickly and easily test many of the functions available in LexEVS Value Sets services. This tool is included in LexEVS install package.
Note: This tool is never intended for use in real time production as an interface for LexEVS Value Sets services.
How to get this tool
As mentioned earlier, this tool will be downloaded when LexEVS package is installed. The start scripts can be found at <LexEVS install directory/gui/
Different start scripts will be downloaded based on operating system selected during install:
Windows-lbVSGUI.bat - for windows
Linux-lbVSGUI.sh - for linux
Linux_64-lbVSGUI.sh - for linux 64 bit
OSX-lbVSGUI.command - for OS
Major functions available
- Loading
- Display Definition
- Display Resolution
- Resolving
- Querying/Filtering
- Exporting
- Deleting
- Creating
- Authoring
Each of these function are described in following sections.
Prior to using this tool, LexEVS instance should be configured properly. File lbconfig.props located at <LexEVS install directory>/resources/config/ should be set up properly, specially the database URL, driver, username and password.
Load function
Using this tool, you can load Value Set Definition(s) or Pick List Definition(s) from an XML file. The contents should confirm to LexGrid valuesets.xsd schema.
Before you start loading any definitions, make sure you have configured the LexEVS instance properly as described above under 'Configuration' section of this document.
Loading Value Set Definition
This function allows you to load Value Set Definition contents from XML file that is in LexGrid format (ie. The contents confirms to LexGrid valuesets.xsd schema).
You can find a test data in <LexEVS install directory>/test/resources/testData/valueDomain/vdTestData.xml, that can be used to load for testing purpose.
Step |
Action |
1. Make sure to check 'Enable Admin Options' in 'Commands' menu. |
[[Image:EnableAdminOptions.jpg |
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2. Select 'Load Value Set Definition - LexGrid XML' from 'Load' menu. |
[[Image:LoadValueSetDefinitionMenu.jpg |
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3. A separate window will open to select a file to load. Select a file to load. |
[[Image:SelectVSDFileToLoad.jpg |
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4. Click 'Load' button. Status of load process will be displayed as the data is getting loaded. If everything goes well, you should see 'Errors Logged: false' and 'End State: completed' at the bottom of the status output. |
[[Image: VSDLoadComplete.jpg |
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5. Value Set Definitions loaded should be displayed on the main console under 'Available Value Set Definitions'. |
[[Image: VSDLoadedContents.jpg |
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Loading Pick List Definition
This function allows you to load Pick List Definition contents from XML file that is in LexGrid format (ie. The contents confirms to LexGrid valuesets.xsd schema).
You can find a test data in <LexEVS install directory>/test/resources/testData/valueDomain/pickListTestData.xml, that can be used to load for testing purpose.
Step |
Action |
1. Make sure to check 'Enable Admin Options' in 'Commands' menu. |
!EnableAdminOptions.jpg_!. |
Removing Definition Entries
This function allows you to remove an existing Definition Entry from the Value Set Definition. You will need to be in 'Value Set Definition Details Console' and in 'Definition Entries' tab. This function is very straight forward as well. Depending on which reference you want to remove, select the definition entry and click on 'Remove' button with in that reference group.
For example, if you want to remove a Coding Scheme Reference :
Step |
Action |
1. With in 'Coding Scheme References' group, select the Coding Scheme Reference entry you want to remove and click on 'Remove' button. |
!EditVSD15.jpg_! |