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When you receive a CTRO request for access, you must associate the user with the appropriate study/site. Thereafter you can grant or deny the user access without having to repeat the setup.

Organization Administrators assign accrual access in CTRP Registration. However, you still can use this feature in the Protocol Abstraction application to process requests that have been sent to the CTRO.

How to Manage Accrual Access

  1. Search for the study of interest. For instructions, refer to Searching for Trials in PA.

  2. In the search results, click the NCI Trial Identifier link for that study. The Trial Identification page appears.

  3. On the Trial Identification page, check out the study for Administrative processing. For instructions, refer to Checking In and Checking Out Trials. (This checkout step is optional for Super Abstractors.)

  4. On the main menu, in the Trial Overview section, click Manage Accrual Access. The Manage Accrual Access page appears. It may display one or more user records if access to the study has been granted or denied previously. 

    Please note that the Accrual Restriction and Accrual Restriction Comments are read-only fields.

  5. Optionally, select a different disease code for all users from the Accrual Disease Terminology drop-down list.
  6. The Accrual Type for a study can be modified on this page also. For more information on accrual requirements, refer to Accrual Access Requirements and Rules
  7. To add a user who has requested access, click Add. The Set Up Accrual Access page appears.
  8. In the various fields, specify the appropriate information. The following table describes the fields. An asterisk (*) indicates a required field.

    Study Description


    User Name

    Select the appropriate registered user from the drop-down list.
    The user’s email address and phone number fields are populated automatically.

    Accessing Site

    Select the appropriate participating site. The Site Recruitment Status field is populated automatically.

    Access Status

    Select either Active, to grant access, or Inactive, to deny access.

    Request Details

    Optionally, type the details of the request as recorded by the CTRO.

  9. Click Save. The record is added to the Manage Accrual Access page.
  • No labels


  1. ENG Recommendation: for the New Accrual 2.2 release, the Accrual Restriction and Accrual Restriction Comment fields are read only. There is a future enhancement to allow these fields to be editable. Should there be a blurb to define these two fields within the PA Wiki?

  2. Tate, Ariana (NIH/NCI) [C] I would add a callout that those fields are read only.  If/when they are changed we can remove the callout.  I would not make a comment about it changing as we don't know when that will occur.