The Integrative Cancer Research Workspace is producing modular and interoperable tools and interfaces that provide for integration between biomedical informatics applications and data. This will ultimately enable translational and integrative research by providing for the integration of clinical and basic research data. The Workspace is developing a software-engineered, well-documented and validated biomedical informatics toolset for use throughout the research community.
Workspace Logistics
General Workspace Meetings
- 2nd & 4th Wednesdays of each month
- 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
- Telecon: Number 800-593-0616, passcode 2927756 #
- Adobe connect
Additional information is also found on the Molecular Analysis Knowledge Center wiki.
Subscribe to the ICR listserv.
Upcoming Speakers
ICR WS Teleconference Speakers
Thank you very much for the many suggestions we received for ICR Workspace teleconference speakers. Based on your feedback, here are the speakers and topics for our upcoming meetings:
- June 13: Nanomedicine Informatics, Nathan Baker (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)
You are welcome to join us on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month from 2:00 – 4:00 pm ET.
Teleconference information: 800-593-0616 passcode: 2927756
Adobe Connect:
Recent News
caBIG® Life Sciences Domain Analysis Model (LS DAM) v2.2.3 is Released
We are pleased to announce the release of LS DAM 2.2.3. The LS DAM is a shared view of the semantics for life sciences which includes hypothesis driven basic and pre-clinical research as well as discovery sciences. The key updates to the LS DAM in this release are:
- Introduction of a new class, ActivityCollection, which supports the semantics around collections of activities that may be performed (or planned) regardless of purpose, such as specimen processing activities in a tissue bank or routine maintenance of equipment in a laboratory.
- Change of the data type binding from the ISO 21090 data type specification to the HL7 Abstract Data Type R2 (HL7 ADT R2) specification.
The LS DAM and associated documentation can be found on the LS DAM wiki site:
- LS DAM 2.2.3 Model Download
- LS DAM 2.2.3 HTML presentation
- LS DAM 2.2.3 Model Documentation
- LS DAM 2.2.3 Release Summary
- LS DAM 2.2.3 Change List
New Article: Informatics and Standards for Nanomedicine Technology
A recent focus article in “Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology,” explores nanotechnology and its impact on medicine and biomedical research, as well as the need for informatics standards in Nanomedicine. To read more about how Nanotechnology has the potential to make medicine more personalized, predictive, and preemptive, view the full article.
Teleconference Materials
The meeting Date is hyperlinked to the notes and hyperlinks in the Executive Summary are for specific presentations
Date |
Executive Summary |
[June 13, 2012|^20120613_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
Juli Klemm, NCI: program update |
[May 23, 2012 |^20120523_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
Juli Klemm, NCI: program update |
[May 9, 2012|^20120509_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
[Richard McCombie, Ph.D.|^ICR_May_9_2012.pptx] -Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory: Challenges and Opportunities in Human Genetics Using Next Generation Sequencing |
[April 11, 2012|^20120411_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
[Philippe Rocca-Serra, Ph.D|^slides.docx]. -University of Oxford, UK: The ISA format and supporting software: technical insights and functional overview |
[March 28, 2012 |^20120328_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
Rakesh Nagarajan (Washington University in St. Louis) gave a presentation on operations of the Wash U Genome Center. [Kenneth Smith |^Updates in geWorkbench 2.3.0.pptx](Columbia University, NY) gave an update on new features in geWorkbench. |
[March 14, 2012|^20120314_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
[Guy Coates |^ICR-irods_508.ppt]of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute will talk about the iRODS genomic data management system. |
[February 22, 2012 |^20120222_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
[Dr. Deanna Church|^Church_Presentation mod for 508.pdf], NCBI project lead for the Genome Reference Consortium (GRC) and projects such as Map Viewer, Ideogram Service, Coordinate Remapping Service and CloneDB, spoke about The Human Reference Assembly and Resources for Navigating Genomic Information. |
[February 8, 2012 |^20120208)ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes508.docx] |
[Susanna-Sansone and Philippe Rocca-Serra |^Sansone-ISA4ICRwg-Feb12508.pptm]gave a presentation on the ISA Framework. They talked about ISA as a successful community driven initiative (organizational model, success factors, lessons learned, funding, decision making and how prioritization decisions). They will also talk about the specification, tools, and newly launched commons. You can learn more about what they are doing in the Feb's Nature Genetics issue ( |
[January 25, 2012 |^20120125_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
Presentations on working group reports concluded with reports from Mukesh Sharma and Jim McCusker. [Mukesh Sharma|^ICR_Omics_update_01252012a.ppt] participates in HL7 and is co-leading an effort on an OMICS DAM for the Clinical Genomics Work Group and he discussed their progress. [Jim McCusker |^w3cUpdate508.pptx]participates in W3C in the Health Care and Life Sciences (HCLS) and Provenance Interest Groups. HCLS is building a Translational Medicine Ontology (TMO) and Knowledge Base and the Provenance group is interested in defining a language for exchanging provenance information among applications. |
[January 11, 2012 |^20120111_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
Dr. Dan Stanzione from the U of Texas at Austin’s Texas Advanced Computing Center, spoke about iPlant. iPlant Collaborative is a community of plant and computer scientists and educators developing an infrastructure of computing resources, interoperable analysis software and data services in a collaborative environment. iPlant activities and mission are shaped by community driven questions and requirements and resources are provided to advance the science being done by community members. |
[December 14, 2011 |^20111214_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
John Speakman, Chief Program Officer, Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology, National Cancer Institute, provided a caBIG^®^ Program Update |
[November 8, 2011 |^20111109_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
[Dr. David Wheeler, |^dw-cabig-tele-9nov11508.pptx]Director of cancer genomics and Assistant Director of the Baylor College of Medicine's Human Genome Sequencing Center, spoke about approaches and challenges with next generation sequence data analysis pipelines. |
[October 26, 2011 |^20111026_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
[Jennifer Fostel|^OBI_CEBS.pdf] presented the Ontology for Biomedical Investigations (OBI). The OBI project is developing an integrated ontology for the description of life-science and clinical investigations. OBI is built using BFO principles and provides terms for annotation of biomedical investigations, regardless of the particular field of study. |
[October 12, 2011 |^20111012_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
[September 28, 2011|^20110928_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
[Dr. Ray Fergerson |^2011 NCBO Organization and Outreach_508.pptx]is from the Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research and is the NCBO Project Director. He is one of the developers of the Protégé OWL plugin. He spoke about the NCBO organization, outreach and factors for success. |
[September 14, 2011|^20110914_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
[Carlo Torniai|^Torniai_eagle-i_508.pptx], an ontologist from Oregon Health and Science University, spoke on the eagle-I consortium and their research resource discovery network for biomedical scientists. |
[August 24, 2011, 2-4 PM Eastern|^20110824_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
Amnon Shabo (slides on request |
[July 27, 2011, 2-4 PM Eastern |^20110713_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
Mike Hucka (slides on request |
[July 13, 2011, 2-4 PM Eastern |^20110713_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes.doc] |
[Cecilia Neomi Arighi|^PROICR_Arighi_2011.pdf] from U of Delaware presented on Protein Ontology. (PRO) provides the ontological representation of proteins and protein complexes and shows the relationships between them. It encompasses three sub-ontologies: proteins based on evolutionary relatedness (ProEvo); protein forms produced from a given gene locus (ProForm); and protein-containing complexes (ProComp). There is a website with extensive browse and search capabilities and includes additional annotations using other ontologies like Pfam and GO. |
[June 22, 2011, 2-4 PM Eastern |^20110622_ICR_WS_Mtg_Notes-1.doc] |
[John Speakman|^Speakman_CTMS_Program_Status_Futures_20110608 Final_508.ppt], NCI CBIIT CPO kicked-off the workspace call with a caBIG Program Update. Mike Smoot |
Mark Bray |
The ICR workspace heard reports on the recent BioIT and AACR meetings from Mark Adams (BAH) and Jens Poschet (Sapient) respectively. |
The ICR participants presented on their assigned projects. |
Alex Kanous |
Anton Nekrutenko |
caArray Users Meeting |
Jenny Kelley |
The ICR Workspace is hearing reports on activities for the last period. |
Looking for older notes? Access ICR Meeting Notes Archive Jan 2008 - Nov 2010