
Keeping up with changes on the wiki

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A list of the most recently updated pages is displayed on the dashboard of the wiki.

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A message is delivered each time there is a change made on the page.

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To subscribe to notifications of changes throughout the wiki:

If you select Subscribe to daily updates, just after midnight the wiki mails a list of all the pages you have permission to see which have changed during the past 24 hours. The most recent change is listed with a link to see what was changed. To review the other changes to any page, navigate to that page and select the Page History link on the Tools menu.

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To subscribe to updates by RSS:


The RSS reader lists the most recently updated pages. Click a page title to open that page.

If RSS does not work, for example a message is displayed saying that the FEED URL is incorrect, then the feed from the wiki does not work with the RSS reader. Try the feed in another reader.