May 27, 2008   National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics and Information Technology

1.0 Release History




June 2007


Sept 2007


December 2007


February 2008


May 2008


July 2008

2.0 New Features and Updates 

This release contains 3 new features - (1) Run time classification; (2) Advanced Query Plugin reporting capability; (3) additional configurability

Run Time Classification

This new functionality allows editors to classify BiomedGT, or NCIT, in the Protege client-server environment used by the EVS. It depends on an explanation server running independently of the Protege server. The explanation server is initialized with the same data served by the Protege server, and is maintained synchronized with the database as editing occurs by the Protege client. Because of initialization activities, the first classification action by a client will take a number of minutes; subsequent classifications will be faster.

Salient points:

The last two issues will be addressed in a future patch. However, a "remote access" server is being set up that will alleviate communications overhead.

Reporting functionality added to the Advanced Query Plugin

An export function (leveraged from an existing plugin in Protege) has been added to the AQP which allows very detailed reports to be produced in a tabular format. This function doesn't replace the Report Writer.

Increased Configurability

Although written to support editing activities in the EVS, the NCIEditTab plugin has introduced various user interfaces and behaviors that make it an attractive plugin to other editing groups. Hence configurability has been a background refactoring activity as development progressed. This is noted here because with the EVS now editing BiomedGT and NCIT, this aspect becomes very important as the internal format of annotations in BGT is expected to start deviating significantly from NCIT's in the near future. Some features related to display labels remain to be implemented.

Salient points:

3.0 Enhancements and Bug Fixes Since Last Release

OF NOTE: the addition of copy-and-paste to the collaborative panel, GUI and behavior enhancements to the workflow plugin, increased support for semantic types



4.0 Known Issues