
Here are the archived news on the previous caArray Releases

2009 What's New in caArray

Highlights of caArray 2.3.1 released on 2/2/2010

The release notes can be found at https://cabig-kc.nci.nih.gov/Molecular/uploaded_files/5/5f/Caarray_release_notes_2_3_1_1.txt.

Highlights of caArray 2.3.0 released on 11/16/2009

The release notes can be found at http://gforge.nci.nih.gov/frs/shownotes.php?release_id=3428.

Highlights of caArray 2.2.1 released on 5/21/2009

For a listing of items addressed in this release and known issues, please see the Release Notes: http://gforge.nci.nih.gov/frs/shownotes.php?release_id=3377.

For groups interested in installing caArray 2.2.1 locally, the full installation package as well as an upgrade installer and associated documentation available at our distribution site: http://gforge.nci.nih.gov/frs/?group_id=305.

Highlights of caArray 2.2.0 released on 1/21/2009

2008 What's New in caArray

Highlights of caArray 2.1.1 released on 10/24/2008

Highlights of caArray 2.1.0 released on 8/13/2008
