General Comments

HL7 MIF Vocabulary to LexGrid Coding Scheme

The design and implementation of the LexEVS 6.1 HL7 MIF Vocabulary Loader assumes there is only one <vocabularyModel> XML element contained within the XML load source file being loaded.  A single LexGrid Coding Scheme will get created.  Refer to the mapping table labeled MIF Vocabulary - VocabularyModel Mapping to LexGrid Coding Scheme in the Mapping Information section for more information on what data is used to create the LexGrid Coding Scheme.

HL7 MIF Vocabulary load source file

The current version of the HL7 MIF Vocabulary that can be used for the load source is contained in the file named “DEFN=UV=VO=1189-20121121.coremif”.  To obtain a copy of this file, go to the HL7 web site  From the HL7 web site, down load the latest version of the RIM (Version 2.41 as of 6/15/2013).  The down load will be a zip file containing other zip files.  Open the down loaded zip file and navigate to “d” zip file (i.e.  The file containing the HL7 MIF Vocabulary (i.e. “DEFN=UV=VO=1189-20121121.coremif”) is contained in the “d” zip file.


The current implementation of the LexEVS 6.1 HL7 MIF Vocabulary Loader will load all codeSystems and concept related information contained within the XML load source.  Concept related information includes the concept and the properties, relationships and codes the concept has.  Concept domain and valueSet related information will NOT be loaded.

Consider the image below of a small set of HL7 MIF Vocabulary loaded data:

As depicted under A1 in the above image, the loader will create a default root node named "@".  For each codeSystem XML element in the load source, the loader will create a LexGrid Entity (A3) and a "hasSubtype" association (A2) with the "@" root node.  The LexGrid Entity representing a codeSystem XML element will have its entityCode value comprised of the codeSystem's name attribute value and the codeSystem's codeSystemId attribute value concatenated with the colon (":") character as depicted by the value "ConceptStatus:2.16.840.1.113883.5.1086" under A3. 

For each concept XML element contained by a codeSystem XML element, the loader will create a LexGrid Entity (A5) and a "hasSubtype" association (A4) with the respective LexGrid Entity (A3) representing the codeSystem.  The LexGrid Entity representing a concept XML element will have its entityCode value comprised of the code attribute value of the code XML element contained by the concept XML element and the value of the conceptProperty XML element contained by the concept XML element where the conceptProperty element has a type attribute value defined as the internal identifier type ("internalId").  These two values are concatenated with the colon (":") character to create the entityCode value of the LexGrid Entity as depicted by the value "A:19960" under A5.

??? Notes about handling concepts having multiple codes and how scheme "code:internal Id" resolves issues.  Also, note code values are not guaranteed to be unique across the vocabularyModel ???  Also, notes about all codes being loaded regardless of their status (active vs. retired). 

Concepts having concept relationships with other concepts will be created by the loader such the association's name (or association predicate) will be the relationshipName attribute value of the conceptRelationship XML element in the load source file.  NOTE:  these associations between concepts are not depicted in the above image.  

Mapping Information


MIF Vocabulary - VocabularyModel Mapping to LexGrid Coding Scheme

MIF Vocabulary - XML elementXML attributeLexGrid Model ElementNotes
vocabularyModel CodingScheme.codingSchemeURIHard coded to value "urn:hl7-org:v3/mif2"
  CodingScheme.defaultLanguageHard coded to value "en"
  CodingScheme.copyRightHard coded to value "THIS DATA IS COVERED BY A COPYRIGHT"

 MIF Vocabulary - CodeSystem Mapping to LexGrid Entity (used as top node entities in hierarchy under “@” entity)

MIF Vocabulary - XML elementXML attributeLexGrid Model ElementNotes
 codeSystem name + “:” + codeSystemId Entity.entityCode Formed value using two attributes
 codeSystem title Entity.entityDescription.content 
 vocabularyModel name Entity.entityCodeNamespace 
   Entity.entityType Hard coded to value “concept”
   Entity.isActive Hard coded to boolean value true
 codeSystem title Entity.Presentation.value.Text.context 
   Entity.Presentation.isPreferred Hard coded to boolean value true
   Entity.Presentation.propertyName Hard coded to value “print_name”
   Entity.Presentation.propertyId Hard coded to value “T1”
   Entity.Presentation.language Hard coded to value “en”
 codeSystem:annotations:documentation:description:text Element’s enclosed data Entity.Definition.value.Text.content Used if it exists
 codeSystem title Entity.Definition.value.Text.content Used if above entry does not exist
   Entity.Definition.propertyName Hard coded to value “definition”
   Entity.Definition.propertyId Hard coded to value “D1”
   Entity.Definition.language Hard coded to value “en”
   Entity.Definition.isActive Hard coded to boolean value true

MIF Vocabulary - Concept Mapping to LexGrid Entity

MIF Vocabulary - XML elementXML attributeLexGrid Model ElementNotes



 code + “:” +



Formed value using two attributes.  The internal identifier (internalId) value represent’s the value for the

conceptProperty with name attribute = “internalId”. 

 concept:printName text Entity.entityDescription.content Used if it exists
 concept:code code  Entity.entityDescription.content Used if above entry does not exist
 vocabularyModel name Entity.entityCodeNamespace 
   Entity.entityType Hard coded to value “concept”
 concept:code status Entity.status 
   Entity.isActive Set to boolean value true if Entity.status = “active” else set to boolean value false

MIF Vocabulary - Concept Mapping to LexGrid Entity.Presentation

MIF Vocabulary - XML elementXML attributeLexGrid Model ElementNotes
 concept:annotations:documentation:definition:text Element’s enclosed data Entity.Presentation.value.Text.content Used if it exists
 concept:code code Entity.Presentation.value.Text.content Used if above entry does not exist
   Entity.Presentation.isPreferred Hard coded to boolean value true
   Entity.Presentation.propertyName Hard coded to value “print_name”
   Entity.Presentation.propertyId Hard coded to value “T1”
   Entity.Presentation.language Hard coded to value “en”




 Hard coded to “source-code”




 code + “:” +





Formed value using two attributes.  The internal identifier (internalId) value represent’s the value for the

conceptProperty with name attribute = “internalId”.

 codeSystem name Entity.Presentation.Source.content The codeSystem the concept is contained within

MIF Vocabulary - Concept Mapping to LexGrid Entity.Definition

MIF Vocabulary - XML elementXML attributeLexGrid Model ElementNotes
concept:annotations:documentation:definition:textElement's enclosed data Entity.Definition.value.Text.contentUsed if it exists 
concept:codecode Entity.Definition.value.Text.contentUsed if above entry does not exist
   Entity.Definition.propertyNameHard coded to value “definition” 
   Entity.Definition.propertyIdHard coded to value “D1” 
   Entity.Definition.languageHard coded to value “en”
   Entity.Definition.isActiveHard coded to boolean value true

MIF Vocabulary - Concept Property Mapping to LexGrid Entity

MIF Vocabulary - XML elementXML attributeLexGrid Model ElementNotes
concept:conceptProperty name Property.propertyName 
concept:conceptProperty value Property.value.Text.content 
   Property.propertyId Hard coded to value “P” + count where count is the current length of a collection holding the Property objects.
   Property.language Hard coded to value “en”

MIF Vocabulary - Concept Relationship Mapping to LexGrid

MIF Vocabulary - XML elementXML attributeLexGrid Model ElementNotes
 concept:conceptRelationship relationshipName AssociationPredicate 
 concept:conceptRelationship:targetConcept code AssociationTarget.targetEntityCodeUsed to determine the Entity from the known list of Entities in the CodingScheme.  The determined Entity’s entityCode is then used. 
 concept:conceptRelationship:targetConcept codeSystem AssociationTarget.targetEntityCode

If it exists, it is used to along with the code above to determine the Entity from the known list of Entities in the defined codeSystem. The

determined Entity’s entityCode is then used. If this attribute does not exist it is assumed the target Entity is in the same codeSystem as

the source Entity. 

 vocabularyModel name AssociationTarget.targetEntityCodeNamespace 
 concept:code code AssociationSource.sourceEntityCodeUsed to determine the Entity from the known list of Entities in the specific concept of the codeSystem.  The determined Entity’s entityCode is then used. 
 vocabularyModel name AssociationSource.sourceEntityCodeNamespace