
Then select the image and create a link using the Link button and dialog. An example follows, the NCIP logo linked to the NCIP web home page.

NCIP logo

Alternatively, insert the image on the page using wiki markup and embed the image markup in the link markup. For example, to link from the NCIP logo to the NCIP web home page, you would type this markup, assuming the NCIP logo is attached to the page:

[!caBIGlogoR.jpg|alt="caBIG logo"!|https://cabig.nci.nih.gov/]

The result looks like this:

caBIG logo

To link to another page in the wiki, use the markup explained on this page.

To link to another image, use the URL for the image. To obtain the URL for an image on this wiki, right click the link for the image on the list of Attachments and copy the link location.

Further tips are available on the Atlassian website.
