Tool Overview

NCI Protégé is a collection of Protégé plug-ins developed for the NCI-specific editing environment. Protégé is an open-source development environment for ontologies and knowledge based systems. The OWL plug-in extends the environment to support the Web Ontology Language (OWL). Please go to Protégé for more information.

The NCI Protégé collection of plug-ins is used to edit the NCI Thesaurus. NCI Protégé provides a customized OWL editing environment, including additional editing and querying capabilities that are not available in the Protégé OWL plug-in. The NCI-specific plug-ins have been implemented as a tabbed interface. Beginning with NCI Protégé 1.3.0. this tool allows imports of ontologies in database mode and enables collaborators to begin "federating" ontologies.

NCI Protégé runs in a client-server environment. Current editors will want to download the client only. Others may wish to download for review or download and install the entire client-server package. Links to both are provided in the tool downloads.

What's New

The final version of NCI Protégé (1.4.3) to be built on the Protégé 3.4 code base from Stanford has been released. The status of NCI Protégé is now maintenance mode. Only major bugs that appear in production will be fixed. Future versions of NCI Protégé are being considered for the Protege 4 code base.


The EVS Protégé distribution includes the NCIEditTab Protégé plug-in editing client (and other plug-ins), a highly concurrent Protégé server (modified from the base Stanford distribution), and an Explanation server that includes the Pellet reasoner.

Client Environment

The client environment includes:


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At A Glance Details

NCI Protégé Presentations

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NCI Protégé Documentation

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Installation and Downloads

The distribution package can be found on GForge.

The package contains the following (this may vary slightly for different versions):

When you install a new release, you must configure a new database project, following the instructions on Protege Software Updates and Configuring New Database Project. These instructions reflect the NCI EVS server environment (directory structures, filenames, server hostnames, etc). It is not required, but it is probably easiest, to set up the same directories in a new environment.

If you are an NCI editor, you will only need to download the appropriate client, from the list on the downloads page on the GForge site.

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NCI Protégé Forum and Support

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