
Question: How do I point the caArray grid service to a different grid indexing service?

Topic: caArray Installation and Upgrade

Release: caArray 2.x and up

Date entered: 08/21/2009

Details about the Question

Our current caArray instance is on caGrid's production indexing service. Since this instance becomes our staging server, can we point it to caGrid's training indexing server?


Yes, you can point your caArray instance to a different grid indexing service.

Currently, there are two public caGrid indexing servers: production and training caGrid services. Each caArray instance can only be deployed on one of the caGrid services. The URL for the caArray grid service is defined in the file below:


Case 1. caArray server is already on one of the grid services

If your caArray service is already on the production grid service, you need to alter the Index service URL (<ServiceGroupEPR><wsa:Address>) from the production grid URL:


to the caGrid's training grid URL:


Once the URL is changed, restart the JBOSS server to reset the service.

To see if your caArray instance has been successfully installed on the grid service, please refer to caArray 006 - Step by Step Guide to Install caArray 2.x Grid Service (caArray 2.2 and Under), Step by Step Guide to Install caArray 2.x Grid Service, Step 8: Can I see my caGrid Service online?

Case 2. caArray server is not currently on any grid service

If your caArray instance has not been installed on any of the caBIGĀ® grid services, please refer to caArray 006 - Step by Step Guide to Install caArray 2.x Grid Service (caArray 2.2 and Under), Step by Step Guide to Install caArray 2.x Grid Service, to set up the grid service of your choice.

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