Prerequisites are dependent upon the type of installation.  This service has two basic kinds of installations

OSGI type installation

This kind of installation provides a quick way to set up a REST service and can be done against an existing installation of the LexEVS API, such as the remote api hosted by the National Cancer Institute.

Download the CTS2 Framework Standalone Server.

Install and start the server:

Download the following java jars to be installed as plugins:


AspectJ Runtime

AspectJ Weaver

LexEVS Service Plugin

Install each as detailed here:

Installing a Service Plugin

Follow the same steps for the LexEVS Service, except leave the Start Bundle box unchecked


After the plugin has been installed, navigate to the Configuration tab of the Admin Console.



Verify the configuration information is correct. It is set up to use the NCI 6.0 Remote LexEVS Service.

Click 'Save,' and then start the LexEVS Service Plugin


Non-OSGI type installation

This type of installation is more customizable and allows deployment to your own web container.

Instructions via the CTS2 Github Site