LexEVS-install-6.0.3.jar - GUI Installer for LexEVS Local Runtime: A single download package with everything you need to install the Local Runtime in a graphical user environment. This package includes the Local Runtime client and dependency JAR files listed in this table.

LexEVS-install-6.0.4.jar - GUI Installer for LexEVS Local Runtime: A single download package with everything you need to install the Local Runtime in a graphical user environment. This package includes the Local Runtime client and dependency JAR files listed in this table. NCI QA testing has not been completed for this version.

lexbig.jar - If you need the Local Runtime client, a JAR file with the LexEVS classes only can be found in {LEXEVS_HOME}/runtime-components/lexbig.jar. The core runtime, LexEVS API, loaders, and administrative utilities are included. Ships with the GUI installer.

LexEVS_localRuntime_dependencies.jar - LexEVS Local Runtime 3rd Party Dependencies: Includes code from other open source projects required by the LexEVS API. This file is included with the GUI installer.

LexEVS-install-config-6.0.xml - LexEVS Local Runtime Command Line Install: An XML file allowing the user to install in a command line environment. This file can be generated by the GUI installer or downloaded here.

lexevsapi60_notes.html - LexEVS Local Runtime Release Notes: A list of resolved issues and enhancements provided in the major release.

LexEVS 6.0.4 ReadmeLexEVS Fix Release Notes: Readmes contain information for fix releases. Patches are cumulative.

LexEVS 6.0.3 Readme - LexEVS Fix Release Notes: Readmes contain information for fix releases. Patches are cumulative.