
Wright, Larry NIH/NCI  x
Fragoso, Gilberto NIH/NCI    x

De Coronado, Sherri    


Safran, Tracy

Ong, Kim L
Lucas, Jason R
Bauer, Scott  Mayox
Stancl, Craig
Endle,  CoryMayox
Wynne, Robert    NIH/NCIx
Brem, Larry  NIH/NCI [C]   
Pan, JJ
Tran, Tin    NIH/NCI [C] x
Ahmed, Shamim
NIH/NC [C]  
Haber, Margaret (NIH/NCI) 
Roth, Laura (NIH/NLM)  
Ramani, Vivek (NIH/NCI) [C]  
Carlsen, Brian (NIH/NCI) [C] 
Wong, Joanne   

Kuntipuram, Kumar



Action Items

 #AssignedDescriptionDate IdentifiedDue DateDate CompletedStatus
64ScottTo follow up on URI's on OWL2 with Harold.   on hold
72ScottAdd release date to Release notes when appropriate   open
100ScottCheck into source code, namespace application for code queries, javadoc availability for tree extension etc   on hold
106CraigConfirm and arrange meeting time for MedDRA review   open
117GilbertoCheck on the status of the Java 1.7 requirement   open
119GilbertoCheck on the use of NIH ListServe for forum activity   done
120SherryCheck with Ann Wiley about the policy for forums   open
123ScottFinish Landing Pages   done
124CraigCoordinate meeting with Harold possibly Kevin around the implementation of value sets in the context of the VSMC   done
125ScottUpdate JSON documentation to indicate preliminary implementation of JSON standard present in 6.1 CTS2 Service for Lexevs   done
126Sherry, GilbertoLook into HUBzero forum for LexEVS issues   open
127SherryTo contact the caDSR folks about attending some portion of the Face to Face   open
128ScottCreate a loader test script   open


Immediate Priorities (Cory, Scott)JIRA 603, 589, 590.  CTS2 Standalone install.  603: Found one file with REM files.  The other files appeared to have no issues.  Headless issue noted.  Will create a test script for loaders.  Working through issues on the standalone deployment.  
Face To Face planning( Craig)Provisional agenda provided by Craig.  Deployment discussion to establish how to manage the deployment better.  Kim would prefer 1 to 2 hours.  CaDSR – Sherry will contact Denise about a discussion.  Sharon and others.  High Level discussion or Programming Instruction would determine personnel.  Sherry to contact them.  FDA and CDISC:  would like to combine this with VSMC discussion.  CTS2 Nodes and shared client.   Want to make sure we understand 1.0 and 1.1 for CTS2.  Time box around the value set design are available Wed 1-3pm.  Current deployment part of the deployment discussion, database, loaders environments future strategy.  QA should be an item here as well as security.  Channels of communication. Operational monitoring might be of interest.  Discussion time with Alameda team – to be done outside of the f2f.  JIRA Items: loaders, java 1.7 etc.  Look at goals and priority and recap at the end.  
CTS2 Client Considerations (Craig, Scott, Cory)An array of internal meetings to examine this.  Look at what exists today.  What is the life an usage of the VSMC portal.  If we make changes what are the alternatives.  What's the minimal profile of what's available today. Options:  Expanding services to align services.  Create a non-VSMC client.  Creating a client profile for services. Having a common client and demonstrating the services – what are the goals and priorities.  Make the priorities an early item on the f2f agenda.   
Tech StackJava 1.7 requirements coming 4/14.  Java 1.6 paid support until end of year. Tomcat:  not on the list.  Will discuss at face to face  
6.1 QA and Deployment (Tin, Jason, Scott)Status: Errors recently occurred.  Jacob will do some updates to bring the servers into a consistent state  
Forums and user support (Gilberto and Sherry)Status: HubZero, could look at this at the Face to Face.  Set aside an hour.   
Code coverage reports and QA JUnit documentation  (Tracy)Initiative the QA department is starting to push forward.  JUnits and code coverage reports.  Could come under QA discussion.   
MedDRA loaderNeed to follow up on the MedDRA issues.  MedDRA discussion to be scheduled.  Tracy, Rob, Joanne, and Stephanie to participate.T 
HumanDo loadNew loader file provided to fix an earlier issue.   




JIRA Issues


Project Plan Changes

#DescriptionDue DateResourcesNotesRisksMitigation

 Planned Activities

Area of InterestDetails
VSMC definitionNeed a dialog defining module use around ResolvedValueSets
Update LexEVS CTS2 Service to CTS2 1.1Need deployment tests
Work on a variety of EVS JIRA PrioritiesScripting, convenience methods, tree extension namespace issues

Risks, Issues, Dependencies


Opened DateDue DateDescriptionLikelihood (H, M, L)ImpactAssignedStatusMitigation Strategy


 #Opened DateDescriptionImpactAssignedStatus


Opened DateDescriptionAssigned