Release Name: LexBIG 2.3.0 (10/07/2008)


GUI tools, Examples, and Command-line administration

Memory heap settings increased in GUI launch script for 64-bit Linux

Information Model, Load, and Export

2.3.0rc3 (09/22/2008)


Release candidate. Full notes for the release will be provided in the final 2.3.0 packaged distribution. In the interim, please direct any questions regarding this release to

API Runtime Implementation

GForge #16545: Fix to increase NCI MetaThesaurus searching performance.

Information Model, Load, and Export

Property name for HL7 designations has been change from "textualpresentation" to "print_name".

2.3.0rc2 (08/20/2008)


API Runtime Implementation

GUI tools, Examples, and Command-line administration

Build and Test

GForge #16155: Create manifest XML for NCI test sources based on changes to the manifest XSD schema.
Provide simplified packaging and distribution of LexBIG 1st party code as a single jar file.
Enhance JUnit tests for new functions and improved coverage of previous functions (e.g. hierarchy API).
Update example and test resources (e.g. Automobiles.xml) as required to reflect model changes.
Refreshed 3rd party jar files as required for currency.

Information Model, Load, and Export

2.3.0rc1 (07/29/2008)


Release candidate. Full notes for the release will be provided in the final 2.3.0 packaged distribution. In the interim, please direct any questions regarding this release to