Craig Stancl; Deepak Sharma; Kevin Peterson; Scott Bauer; Sridhar Dwarkanath; Zonghui Lian;
Division of Biomedical Statistics and Informatics,
Department of Health Science Research
Mayo Foundation, Rochester, MN


This document contains major functionalities that are included in LexEVS 6.0.0 Release.

CTS2 Implementation

CTS2 Administration Development (see: org.lexevs.cts2.admin.AdminOperation)

CTS2 Authoring Development (see: )

OWL/RDF Export

Integer Primary Keys

The configuration will appear as such in the lbconfig.props file:

  1. DB_PRIMARY_KEY_STRATEGY indicates which strategy will be used
  2. for the primary key of the database tables.
  3. WARNING - This cannot be change after the initial
  4. schema installation.
  5. Allowable values include:


Mapping Extension

(see: org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Extensions.Generic.MappingExtension)


The main implemented features are:

Supplement Extension

(see: org.LexGrid.LexBIG.Extensions.Generic.SupplementExtension)

The main implemented features are:

Value Sets (gForge # 26650)

Note: Usage Context and Concept Domain is not included in this release, but will be in next release.

Versioning (gForge # 26651)

Versioning is a new functionality that has been added to LexEVS API in this release. Versioning API is divided into two parts, loader and query API. For this release, loader API is included; query API will be included in next release.

NEW – to create a new versionable element
MODIFY – to change the attributes of an existing versionable element
VERSIONABLE – to change (or schedule a change of) the status of a versionable element within the context of the containing service.
REMOVE – to remove a versionable element from the service. (Note that the versionable object will be removed completely from the system including the history. VERSIONABLE Retire should be used if the element and its history should remain)
DEPENDENT – no changes are to be made to the named element itself, but a versionable element whose identity is dependent upon this element is to undergo a change.

XML Loaders

XML Exporter

Know issues/restrictions:

GForge Items

21720 – Load MRMAP data

21935 – OWL loader processing of <owl:Restriction>

29177 Value Set query enhancement

27844 ISO 21090 Data Type Support

23770 - OBI.owl loading – incorrect curation status

23806 - OBI.owl loading – incorrect Imported from

22036 - Focus code not found when referencing external coding scheme

28645 - Manifest loader/metadata loader

26637 - Page CodedNodeGraph Results:


28460 - Load source qualifiers for generic properties in NCI-META RRF loader

23643 - Java 1.6

27026 - Modify Meta Browser Extension to support browsing and searching of other.

25681 - Problem loading MeSH and Spanish version of SNOMED

28167 - ClaML Loader update for LexEVS 6.0

26975 - PropertyLinks won't load without namespace being supplied

26976 - Loader should not shut down on a duplicate property

26977 - Loader should not shut down on missing propertylink reference

26072 -Incorrect Hibernate mappings of Oracle CLOB database type in caCORE SDK functions

27021 – Rename Value Domain

24037 – Include immediate parent/children when Value Set Definition has transitiveClosure as 'false' and referenceAssociation is present.

22296 - OWL loader does not load concepts with paranthesis

LexGrid model changes

Package ValueSets:

Package Naming:

Package CommonTypes:

Package Concept:

Package Relations:

Package Versions: