Quick Start Guide

These instructions are written for pa-grid but apply to po-grid as well (change pa to po, etc, as needed).

Here are the relevant host names for local.properties if you want to run the service clients against any of the tiers (just uncomment the one you want):

Developing Secure Services (PO / PA)

These instructions are written for developers of po-grid secure COPPA services on non-Windows (Linux / OSX) platforms.


To inform our developers how to develop on secure grid services.


  1. Install caGrid v1.3 locally, http://cagrid.org/display/downloads/caGrid+1.3+Installation+Quick+Start
  2. Obtain a grid credential (or Dorian User Account) for the grid trust fabric needed, e.g. Training Grid. (developers working locally should use the Training Grid) See http://cagrid.org/display/cagrid13tutorials/Create+User+Account for instructions.
  3. Request a Host Cert to be used locally, http://cagrid.org/display/knowledgebase/Request+a+Host+Certificate. You should specify your local machine's hostname. For example, locally I use
  4. Record your grid credential (aka Grid Identity) for later use. For example, mine is

Steps to Code & Test Locally

  1. Each day before you start using coding and testing locally, you'll want to Login to Dorian using the GAARDS UI to extend your local grid identity certificates. Roughly ever 24 hours they expire.
  2. Ensure your build-po/install.properties and build-po/upgrade.properties files contain the correct values, namely the following:
    By default, we're going to folder contains default Update your local

Consuming Secure Services (PO/PA)


To inform our clients (consumers) how to connect to and consume our secure services.


  1. Install caGrid v1.3 locally, http://cagrid.org/display/downloads/caGrid+1.3+Installation+Quick+Start
  2. Obtain a grid credential (or Dorian User Account) for the grid trust fabric needed, e.g. Training Grid. (developers working locally should use the Training Grid) See http://cagrid.org/display/cagrid13tutorials/Create+User+Account for instructions.
  3. Request a Host Cert to be used locally, http://cagrid.org/display/knowledgebase/Request+a+Host+Certificate. You should specify your local machine's hostname. For example, locally I use
  4. Record your grid credential (aka Grid Identity) for later use. For example, mine is

User Guide