
To provide a lightweight guide for other CBIIT applications (eg, caArray) can secure their own grid services.

Technical Details


Changes to Business Application

  • JBoss 4.0.5
  • JAAS
  • Existing Secured Remote EJBs
  1. Add CommonsGridLoginModule to JAAS login module (security-config.xml)
  2. Introduce a new grid service instance CSM Group
    (warning) Update the application name 'po' to your application's name
    INSERT INTO CSM_GROUP (GROUP_NAME, GROUP_DESC, APPLICATION_ID) VALUES ('gridClient', 'Grid Service Invocation Group', (select application_id from csm_application where application_name = 'po'));
  3. Update @Remote EJBs endpoints to allow the new CSM Group using the @RolesAllowed annotation
    public void myRemoteEndpointMethod() { ... }

Changes to Grid Service(s)

  1. Alter Service Context(s) within Introduce
  2. Alter how remote services (eg, EJBs) are authenticated and authorized for each grid service request. As an example, create a GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator class to authenticate using both the Grid User's Identity (eg, /O=caBIG/OU=caGrid/OU=Training/OU=Dorian/CN=coppagridtest instead of a typical remote service user. In short, you'll base your implementation off of your existing Locator (eg, JNDIServiceLocator) and replace existing occurrences with the new GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator

    See http://gforge.nci.nih.gov/svnroot/coppa/trunk/code/po-grid/src/gov/nih/nci/coppa/po/grid/remote/GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator.java for full code

    Below is an example that demonstrates the essence of how to code it up your new GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator class.

    CoreServicesConfiguration is the ServiceConfiguration for our (Main Service) context that you previously added a Service Property when updating your services using Introduce.

    GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator may not be a singleton (static) within your application as the contained InitialContext instance needs to reference the Grid Identity for the incoming request by using SecurityUtils.getCallerIdentity().

    While this is recognized as a performance hit, we've yet to figure a better way. If anyone is able to determine a better way, please let the COPPA team know team-po@5amsolutions.com --thanks

        private InitialContext context;
        private static final String JNDI_PRINCIPAL = "java.naming.security.principal";
        private static final String JNDI_CREDENTIALS = "java.naming.security.credentials";
         * @return a ServiceLocator with the caller's identity
         * @throws Exception if a problem occurs 
        public static ServiceLocator newInstance() throws Exception {
            return new GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator(SecurityUtils.getCallerIdentity());
         * Get an instance of the service locator. specific to the grid user.
         * @param userIdentity user identity of the grid user
        public GridSecurityJNDIServiceLocator(String userIdentity) {       
            try {
                Properties props = new Properties();
                // set grid service principal and grid identity as java.naming.security.principal
                CoreServicesConfiguration coreConfiguration = CoreServicesConfiguration.getConfiguration();
                String principal = props.getProperty(JNDI_PRINCIPAL)
                        + coreConfiguration.getGridServicePrincipalSeparator() + userIdentity;
                props.setProperty(JNDI_PRINCIPAL, principal);
                LOG.debug("Properties " + props.toString());
                context = new InitialContext(props);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                LOG.error("Unable to load jndi properties.", e);
                throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load jndi properties.", e);
        private Object lookup(String name) throws NamingException {
            Object object = null;
            int i = 0;
            while (object == null && i < MAX_RETRIES) {
                 try {
                     LOG.debug("Performing JNDI Lookup of : " + name);
                     object = context.lookup(name);
                 } catch (CommunicationException com) {
                     LOG.warn("Unable to lookup: " + name);
            return object;
         * {@inheritDoc}
        public PersonEntityServiceRemote getPersonService() throws NamingException {
            PersonEntityServiceRemote object = (PersonEntityServiceRemote) lookup("po/PersonEntityServiceBean/remote");
            return object;

Changes to BDA scripts

This section will likely vary based on many factors and more notably your specific version of BDA and existing deployment configuration steps.