LexEVS 6.3 CTS2 Overview of Changes

LexEVS 6.3 CTS2 release consisted of the following changes:

Entities Active Flag

The previous version of the CTS2 service (LexEVS 6.2) was updated to accept an "active" flag for entities.  As a side effect of this change, the default behavior of LexEVS API was inadvertently changed.  In 6.3, the default behavior was changed to return "active" and "inactive" entities by default.  

The two options for the active flag are:

http://<base url>/codesystem/Automobiles/version/1.0/entities?active=ACTIVE_ONLY
http://<base url>/codesystem/Automobiles/version/1.0/entities?active=ACTIVE_AND_INACTIVE