Spelling Error Tolerant Substring Implementation Details

Adds Spelling-error tolerance to 'subString' search.  This makes use of the double metaphone indexed value as well as literal property values. 


The Spelling Error Tolerant Substring search has the following characteristics:

Example of use:

The following examples are based on the Automobiles coding scheme.

Example 1:

Search string: car

Lucene query: dm_propertyValue:"KR" literal_propertyValue:"car"^0.5

Result: 2 results

Example 2:
Search string: General Motors

Lucene query: dm_propertyValue:"JNRL KNRL MTRS" literal_propertyValue:"general motors"^0.5

Result: 1 result

Associated JUnits:

Junits can be found here: https://github.com/lexevs/lexevs/blob/master/lbTest/src/test/java/org/LexGrid/LexBIG/Impl/function/query/lucene/searchAlgorithms/TestSpellingErrorTolerantSubString.java