Weighted Double Metaphone Implementation Details

Search with the Lucene query syntax, using a 'sounds like' algorithm.  The exact user-entered text is taken into account, so correct spelling will override the 'sounds like' algorithm.  Searches on the same indexed property value as the other double metaphone search.


The Weighted Double Metaphone search has the following characteristics:

Example of use:

The following examples are based on the Automobiles coding scheme.

Example 1:

Search string: car

Lucene query: +dm_propertyValue:KR propertyValue:car

Result: 2 results

Example 2:
Search string: kar

Lucene query: +dm_propertyValue:KR propertyValue:kar

Result: 2 results

Associated JUnits:

Junits can be found here: https://github.com/lexevs/lexevs/blob/master/lbTest/src/test/java/org/LexGrid/LexBIG/Impl/function/query/lucene/searchAlgorithms/TestWeightedDoubleMetaphone.java