
Author: Craig Stancl, Scott Bauer, Cory Endle
Email: Stancl.craig@mayo.edu, bauer.scott@mayo.edu, endle.cory@mayo.edu
Team: LexEVS
Contract: S13-500 MOD4
National Institutes of Heath
US Department of Health and Human Services

The purpose of this document is to document the technical face to face meeting details between the NCI and Mayo for the National Cancer Institute Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology (NCI CBIIT) LexEVS Release 6.3 and LexEVS Release 6.4.

December Face-to-Face (December 8 - 10, 2015)

Meeting Details

NCI Shady Grove Campus
9609 Medical Center Drive
Rockville, MD 20850

Conference Details
1-866-660-5416 # 2398515  
Join WebEx meeting   
Meeting number: 732 008 454  
Meeting password: 4NCI-new  


NameRoleAttend? (Y/N)

Wright, Larry



Fragoso, Gilberto



De Coronado, Sherri    



Safran, Tracy



Ong, Kim L



Lucas, Jason R



Bauer, Scott  



Stancl, Craig



Endle,  Cory


Wynne, Robert    



Tran, Tin    



Carlsen, Brian



Wong, Joanne 


Kuntipuram, Kumar





Tuesday, December 8

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM


Overview and Planning  
9:30 AM - Noon


Discussion: Tech Stack Updates

  • Migration to Java 8
  • Migration to centOS 7
  • Migration to Spring 4
  • Determine next steps/roadmap

Discussion: LEXEVS API/Browser Performance and Usability Improvements

  • NCI to provide requirements/use cases
  • Areas for discussion:
    • value set
    • mapping 
    • multi-namespace
    • relationship querying
    • inferred data
  • Determine next steps/roadmap
Noon - 1:00 PM LunchAll 
 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Discussion: Enhancing the LEXEVS CTS2 REST Interface (1 hour)

  • NCI to provide requirements/use cases
  • Areas for discussion:
    • Expanding to include Associations
    • Specialized REST calls (e.g., bulk download) to CTS2 service framework
    • Provide the capability to use data from one endpoint to query another
    • Provide a framework that includes both CTS2 and Extensions
    • Bulk downloads/special user requirements
  • Determine next steps/roadmap
 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Information Session: End User Usage of LexEVS Query API (2 hours)

  •  Overview to demonstrate how to query using LexEVS API
  •  Review of existing LexEVS API documentation

Wednesday, December 9

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM


Recap and Planning  
 9:30AM - Noon


Discussion: Indexing and Coding Scheme Searches

Horizontal Coding Scheme Searches

  • NCI to provide requirements/use cases

Discussion: LEXEVS Loader Improvements (1 hour)

  • Discuss known issues for OWL2, MeDRA and HL7 Loaders
  • Determine next steps/roadmap
Noon - 1:00 PM LunchAll 
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM


Tutorial: Loader Implementation (3 hours)

  • Overview of LexEVS Loader development process
  • Implement a simple LexEVS loader (hands-on)
  • Review existing loaders and identify where changes could be made

Thursday, December 10

9:00 AM - 9:30 AM


Recap and Planning  
9:30 AM - Noon


Discussion: Triple Store/Graph Database


Discussion: Cloud Considerations

  • NCI to provide requirements/use cases for supporting a cloud environment

Discussion: Build and Deployment Process

  • DevOps and continuous integration
  • Changes for build, deployment and distribution
  • Mayo's continuous integration server
  • Determine next steps/roadmap
Noon - 1:00 PM LunchAll 
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM


Discussion: Value Set Editor (Authoring)

  • NCI to provide requirements/use cases


Discussion: The Future of lbGUI

  • Discuss future requirements
  • Review issues - JIRA and others
  • Develop a roadmap to address technical debt
  • Determine next steps/roadmap
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM



  • Prioritize
  • Determine next steps/roadmap









LEXEVS API performance and usability will be a major focus area for this effort.   EVS and other users have hit a number of bugs and missing features that significantly affect the usability of the APIs, with special effort needed to improve value set, mapping, multi-namespace support as well as querying of relationship and inferred data.


Active LEXEVS support in all indicated areas is important to the quality and efficiency of ongoing EVS operations and services, and to the growing community of LEXEVS adopters for whom it provides a shared conceptual and technical terminology model supporting community standards and interoperability.



The subcontractor shall address LEXEVS Loader Improvements.  The LEXEVS Loaders are a set of Java programs and configuration files that transform and load terminology data from the various file formats and source terminology data structures into the unified LEXEVS server data model.  They are crucial to data access and quality, and a top priority for the current effort.  Key areas of effort are improving and extending loaders to better handle current and new sources and formats, and improved documentation and error handling.



The subcontractor shall address improvements to the CTS2 REST API and related resources.  The previously existing REST API was created as a prototype to prove that such an interface will have value.  It succeeded in that task.  Unfortunately, that older API is tied very closely to the underlying structure of the data rather than being tied to the usage of the data.  This effort will extend the new CTS2 API, tools and documentation to fill gaps in coverage of the CTS2 REST specification and focus on the user of the API, providing them with a clean, complete API that is easier to use than the current heavyweight solution.



The subcontractor will address the deployment, customization and maintenance of cloud-based LEXEVS services in order to address the challenges associated with the growth of biomedical research data, and the computational limitations currently experienced by biomedical researchers.



