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Getting Started With Datascope

Creating a simple dashboard

This is a simple example visualization using Datascope. We use the Titanic survivor dataset for this example.

Installation guide




Configuring Datascope

The configuration files are available at public/config. There are four configuration files:


For a complete overview, refer to the Schema Reference [Schema Deprecated], which describes the data sources. Users need to plug in information about their data repositories. The system would use the information to access the data and use it for creating the dashboards. Consider the following example in which we're fetching data from two sources, s1 and s2 .

"dataSourceAlias" : "sourceJoin" ,
"joinKey" : [ "A" ],
"dataSources" : [
"sourceName" : "s1" ,
"sourceType" : "csv" ,
"options" :{
"path" : "examples/newDataSourceConfig/data/data1.csv"
"dataAttributes" : [ "A" , "B" , "C" ]
"sourceName" : "s2" ,
"sourceType" : "csv" ,
"options" :{
"path" : "examples/newDataSourceConfig/data/data2.csv"
"dataAttributes" : [ "A" , "D" ]

Data Description

For a complete overview, refer to the Data Description Schema Reference. The dataDescription.json file is the specification that the data provider provides, which provides the system, the information pertaining to the number of attributes, the type of each attribute, whether or not filtering would be performed on the attribute, etc.

The following is an example of a dataDescription.json file:

"attributeName" : "A" ,
"datatype" : "enum" ,
"attributeType" : [ "visual" , "filtering" ],
"dataSourceAlias" : "sourceJoin"
"attributeName" : "B" ,
"datatype" : "enum" ,
"attributeType" : [ "filtering" ],
"dataSourceAlias" : "sourceJoin"
"attributeName" : "C" ,
"datatype" : "enum" ,
"attributeType" : [ "visual" , "filtering" ],
"dataSourceAlias" : "sourceJoin"
"attributeName" : "D" ,
"datatype" : "enum" ,
"attributeType" : [ "visual" , "filtering" ],
"dataSourceAlias" : "sourceJoin"

Interactive Filters


For a complete overview, refer to the Schema Reference Used to define the interactive filters panel that is displayed on the left of the dashboard. This file describes how the dashboard should look.

"attributeName" : "A" ,
"visualization" : {
"visType" : "rowChart"
"attributeName" : "B" ,
"visualization" : {
"visType" : "pieChart"
"attributeName" : "C" ,
"visualization" : {
"visType" : "pieChart"
"attributeName" : "D" ,
"visualization" : {
"visType" : "pieChart"

Notes on visTypes

  • The datatype of the attribute must be enum (in the dataDescription.json ) for rowChart and pieChart
  • barChart must have float or integer as their dataType.

Visualization Options


Accepts an array of objects, each object describing the visualization. Example:

"visualizationType" : "dataTable" ,
"attributes" :[
{ "attributeName" : "CancerType" },
{ "attributeName" : "BCRPatientUIDFromClinical" },
{ "attributeName" : "BCRSlideUID" },
{ "attributeName" : "BCRPatientUIDFromPathology" }
"heading" : "TCGA" ,
"subheading" : ""
"visualizationType" : "imageGrid" ,
"attributes" :[
"attributeName" : "image" ,
"type" : "image"
"heading" : "Bubble Chart" ,
"subheading" : "Using synthetic data"
"visualizationType" : "heatMap" ,
"attributes" :[
"attributeName" : "AgeatInitialDiagnosis" ,
"type" : "x"
"attributeName" : "KarnofskyScore" ,
"type" : "y"
"heading" : "Heat Map" ,
"subheading" : "AgeatInitialDiagnosis vs KarnofskyScore"

In the above example we have three visualizations: dataTable , imageGrid and heatMap. Details of the supported visualizations are described below.

The system currently supports four types of visualizations:


Provides a tabular representation of the provided attributes. Shows 100 records at a time.

"visualizationType" : "dataTable" ,
"attributes" :[
{ "attributeName" : "id" },
{ "attributeName" : "Ai" },
{ "attributeName" : "Di" }


A bubble chart representation of the provided attributes. Can be used to visualize 4 dimensions.

"visualizationType" : "bubbleChart" ,
"attributes" :[
"attributeName" : "a1" ,
"type" : "x" ,
"dimension" : true
"attributeName" : "a2" ,
"type" : "y"
"attributeName" : "a3" ,
"type" : "color"
"attributeName" : "a4" ,
"type" : "r"

Following types are used to represent four dimensions on the chart.

At least one attributes needs to have dimension: true.


Creates an image grid using the images from the attribute having type: image

"visualizationType" : "imageGrid" ,
"attributes" :[
"attributeName" : "image" ,
"type" : "image"
"heading" : "Image grid" ,
"subheading" : "Using dummy data"

Requires an attribute to have "type": "image" which shall be used as the location of the image.


"visualizationType" : "heatMap" ,
"attributes" :[
"attributeName" : "AgeatInitialDiagnosis" ,
"type" : "x"
"attributeName" : "KarnofskyScore" ,
"type" : "y"
"heading" : "Heat Map" ,
"subheading" : "AgeatInitialDiagnosis vs KarnofskyScore"

Requires attributes having "type": "x" and "type": "y" for the x and y axes, respectively.