National Cancer Institute Center for Bioinformatics 

LexEVS 6.4.1 Release Notes
September  2016

LexEVS 6.4.1 Release Highlights Include:

Features Implemented (LexEVS 6.4.1)


Loader - OWL2: Investigate OBI Load - why loading of named instances (individuals) don't appear in the browser.

LEXEVS-1152Loader - OWL2: Investigate OBI Load - why restrictions on a class are not being seen in the GUI
LEXEVS-1153Loader - OWL2: Investigate NDFRT Load - why restrictions on a class are not being seen in the GUI 
LEXEVS-1160Loader - OWL2: NDFRT Loader - Restrictions on a class not displayed in the browser.
LEXEVS-1299Loader - OWL2: Unable to associate property code with property label.
LEXEVS-1339Loader - OWL2: Entity or BFO_0000001 has qualifier value that is not resolved
LEXEVS-1976Loader - OWL2: Investigate to determine if complex property loader directives are hard coded

Loader - OWL2 history annotation should be represented as an IRI

LEXEVS-1338Loader - OWL2: Load of OWL2 sources will deal with tagged obo namespace values as resolvable properties
LEXEVSREM-2 Investigate HTTPs for LexEVS Remote API


Defects Fixed (LexEVS 6.4.1)


Defects Fixed (LexEVS CTS2 Service 1.5.1)


LexEVSResolvedValueSetService Test fails with Java 1.8

LEXEVSCTS2-53CTS2 Service fails to resolve entities for HL7 terminology loaded from MIF