The CSSI DCC Portal is a public repository of experiment-related information describing cancer research investigations. You can use the portal to browse, search, and access data generated through CSSI funded projects and other user uploaded data sets. This data is in ISA-Tab format, which organizes investigation, study, and assay data according to the rules in the ISA-Tab specification .  For more information about the ISA-Tab format, refer to the Understanding ISA-Tab page.  

Each data set contains three files--investigation, study, and assay--that conform to the ISA-Tab structure and naming conventions. Within this structure are fields that are standard for each type of file, though null values are allowed; that is, not every data set includes values for each field. The portal allows you to filter these fields in an interactive way so that you can visualize the data in a pie chart or list.

The CSSI DCC Portal allows you to perform various tasks:

The following page family describes how to browse, search, and download data.