
Archive - Protégé BiomedGT Admin Guide Cheatsheet v1.1


cbiows501 - production
cbapp-q1001 - qa
cbvapp-d1012 - dev (VM)
cbvapp-s1005 - stage (VM)

Related Programs/Services

Reflection X (using "Direct" or xterm over SSH connection)
F-Secure SSH Client
F-Secure SSH File Transfer

Username and password advertised separately.

Relevant Directory Structure in the various boxes/VMs



Dev, QA, Stage

/usr/local/protege/Protégé_x.x.x/[EVS:PROTÉGÉ INSTANCE]/Protege.Server-x.y.z
/usr/local/protege/Protégé_x.x.x/[EVS:PROTÉGÉ INSTANCE]/Protege.Client-x.y.z
/usr/local/protege/Protégé_x.x.x/[EVS:PROTÉGÉ INSTANCE]/Explanation.Server-x.y.z

Dev, QA, Stage SVN files for builds

/app/protege/repo/<protégé release folder>

Production login and basic server operations

If the protege server is brought down for maintenance, classification, Prompt analysis, and so on, the RMI can continue running. When all the services need to be started (e.g. after a reboot), follow this order (see bullets below for details):

Remote login

Start rmiregistry (configure script to use port 2633 in PROD)

Shutdown rmiregistry

Start Explanation server

Re start Explanation server

Verifying Explanation servers is starting up correctly

Shutdown Explanation server

Start Protege server

Shutdown Protege server

Verifying Protege servers is starting up correctly

Start Protege client

Prompt Accept/Reject cycle

Database Load from File

Configuring new project

Configure protege server for a project

a) to include the proper directory path for the nci_metaproject file - /app/protege/data/metaproject/.
b) to use the correct rmi port (use 2633).

Classification (Standalone mode)

Classification (client/server mode)
