

LexEVS CTS2 Code System Authoring API provides capability to author Code System and its contents.

Here are the authoring functions that can be performed on Associations in a Code System:


This function provides capability to create:

Status Change

This function provides capability to update Status attributes:


org.lexevs.cts2.LexEvsCTS2 cts2 = org.lexevs.cts2.LexEvsCTS2Impl.defaultInstance();
org.lexevs.cts2.author.AssociationAuthoringOperation associationAuthoring = 

Revision Information

Authoring requires information helping to determine whether the edited coding scheme element is new or revises an existing association. This requires not only a containing revision, but also a entry state object for each versionable element of the Association being created. A single object of each is passed into the association creating method providing mandatory information about this revision which in most use cases here is a new association.


Revision object has following attributes:


Association Authoring Functions

Create Association Operations

createAssociation(boolean createMappingScheme, Revision revision, EntryState entryState, AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference mappingScheme, AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference sourceCodeSystemIdentifier, AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference targetCodeSystemIdentifier, String sourceConceptCodeIdentifier, String targetConceptCodeIdentifier, String relationsContainerName, String associationType, AssociationQualification[] associationQualifiers)


Creates new Association


  • boolean createMappingScheme - create a mapping coding scheme if one does not exist
  • org.LexGrid.versions.Revision revision - create a mapping coding scheme if one does not exist
  • org.LexGrid.versions.EntryState entryState - revision data container granular to the versionable class.
  • Aorg.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference mappingScheme - existing mapping scheme, required if adding mapped association
  • org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference sourceCodeSystemIdentifier - minimum code system identification
  • org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference targetCodeSystemIdentifier - minimum code system identification
  • java.lang.String sourceConceptCodeIdentifier - source concept code
  • java.lang.String targetConceptCodeIdentifier - target concept code
  • java.lang.String relationsContainerName - relations container identifier
  • java.lang.String associationType - association type identifier
  • org.LexGrid.relations.AssociationQualification[] associationQualifiers - qualifications to add to this association


org.LexGrid.relations.AssociationSource - Created Association Structure



Sample Call:

  • Step 1: Create Revision Elements:
    Revision revision = new Revision(); - initalize Revision object
    revision.setChangeAgent("Mayo Foundation"); - Set the change agent if desired
    Text changeInstructions = new Text(); - initialize Text Object
    changeInstructions.setContent("To be applied at next source release"); - Define change instructions if desired.
    revision.setChangeInstructions(changeInstructions); - Set change instructions
    revision.setEditOrder(new Long(1)); - Set edit order
    EntityDescription entityDescription = new EntityDescription(); - Initialize EntityDescription Object
    entityDescription.setContent("TestCTS2AssociationRevision"); - Set content for this object
    revision.setEntityDescription(entityDescription); - Set revision entityDescription
    EntryState entryState = new EntryState(); - Initialize EntryStateObject
    entryState.setChangeType(ChangeType.NEW); - This is a new association -- set ChangeType to "NEW"
    entryState.setContainingRevision("FirstRevision_12_09_2010"); - Define the revision identifier 
    entryState.setRelativeOrder(new Long(1)); - Set relative order
  • Step 2: Define a source scheme:
    AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference sourceCodeSystemIdentifier = new AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference();
  • Step 3: Define a target scheme:
    AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference targetCodeSystemIdentifier = new AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference();
  • Step 4: Name the unique identifier of the source concept:
    String sourceConceptCodeIdentifier = "C27469";
  • Step 5: Name the unique identifier of the target concept:
    String targetConceptCodeIdentifier = "199";
  • Step 6: Identify or name a new relations container
    String relationsContainerName = "relations";
  • Step 7: Name the association
    String associationType = "SY";
  • Step 8: call create method to create the association:
    AssociationSource association = associationAuthoringOp.createAssociation(false, revision, entryState,

    null, sourceCodeSystemIdentifier, targetCodeSystemIdentifier,
    sourceConceptCodeIdentifier, targetConceptCodeIdentifier,
    relationsContainerName, associationType, null);

Update Association Operations

updateAssociationStatus(Revision revision, EntryState entryState, AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference scheme, String relationsContainer, String associationName, String sourceCode, String sourceNamespace, String targetCode, String targetNamespace, String instanceId, String status, boolean isActive)


Updates Association Status


  • org.LexGrid.versions.Revision revision - create a mapping coding scheme if one does not exist
  • org.LexGrid.versions.EntryState entryState - revision data container granular to the versionable class.
  • org.LexGrid.LexBIG.DataModel.Core.AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference scheme - Scheme targeted for update.
  • java.lang.String relationsContainerName - relations container identifier
  • java.lang.String associationName - association identifier
  • java.lang.String sourcCode - source concept code
  • java.lang.String sourceNamespace - code system identification
  • java.lang.String targetCode - target concept code
  • java.lang.String targetNamespace - minimum code system identification
  • java.lang.String instanceId - instance identifier for the association
  • java.lang.String status - Status designation can be user defined
  • boolean isActive - flag for Active status


boolean - flag for successful update



Sample Call:

  • Step 1: Create Revision Elements:
    Revision revision = new Revision(); - initalize Revision object
    revision.setChangeAgent("Mayo Foundation"); - Set the change agent if desired
    Text changeInstructions = new Text(); - initialize Text Object
    changeInstructions.setContent("To be applied at next source release"); - Define change instructions if desired.
    revision.setChangeInstructions(changeInstructions); - Set change instructions
    revision.setEditOrder(new Long(1)); - Set edit order
    EntityDescription entityDescription = new EntityDescription(); - Initialize EntityDescription Object
    entityDescription.setContent("TestCTS2AssociationRevision"); - Set content for this object
    revision.setEntityDescription(entityDescription); - Set revision entityDescription
    EntryState entryState = new EntryState(); - Initialize EntryStateObject
    entryState.setChangeType(ChangeType.MODIFY); - Association is being revised.  Set ChangeType to "MODIFY"
    entryState.setContainingRevision("FirstRevision_12_09_2010"); - Define the revision identifier 
    entryState.setRelativeOrder(new Long(1)); - Set relative order
  • Step 2: Define the scheme for the association update:
    AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference scheme = new AbsoluteCodingSchemeVersionReference();
  • Step 3: Name the unique identifier of the source concept:
    String sourceCode = "C27469";
  • Step 4: Define the namespace of the source concept supported for this coding scheme
    String sourceNamespace = "NCI Thesaurus"
  • Step 5: Name the unique identifier of the target concept:
    String targetCode = "C27469";
  • Step 6: Identify or name a new relations container
    String relationsContainerName = "relations";
  • Step 7: Define the association
    String associationName = "Disease_Has_Abnormal_Cell";
  • Step 8: Identify the instance of this association to be updated.
    String instanceID = "instance001";
  • Step 9: Define the new status
    String status = "PENDING_RETIREMENT";
  • Step 10: Set isActive flag if necessary
    boolean isActive = false;
  • Step 11: call create method to create the association:
    AssociationSource association = associationAuthoringOp.updateAssociationStatus(revision, entryState,

    scheme, relationsContainerName, associationName, sourceCode,
    namespace, targetCode, namespace, instanceId, status,