
The 6.4 release presents a handful of significant changes to LexEVS.  These changes will require the end user to migrate to a new client jar for the API, and possibly to adjust the way they query our REST services.  These changes are:

Migration Notes


LexEVS 6.4.2 refers not only to the LexEVS Java API code base, but also supporting and extended services for LexEVS.  This includes the CTS2 Framework, the LexEVS CTS2 REST service, the LexEVS Remote API, and the URI Resolver service.  

Server changes:

This code base has been confirmed to support recent CBIIT tech stack updates including:

End User API Migration:

LexEVS RMI Java client code will, in almost all cases, have to be updated to Java 8
Users already working with 6.4.1 Remote Java API will need to update to 6.4.2 compatible client jars including: 

End User REST / Data Service Migration:

Legacy Data Service users will have to transition to the CTS2 REST API.  A mapping from caCORE REST XML output to CTS2 REST XML output will be provided. 
(For instance, If you are using a REST Call to LexEVS like https://lexevsapi6.nci.nih.gov/lexevsapi64/GetXML?query=org.LexGrid.concepts.Entity%5B@_entityCode=C29378%5D  you can get nearly the same content in the CTS2 Standard format with a call like this:  https://lexevscts2.nci.nih.gov/lexevscts2/codesystem/NCI_Thesaurus/version/16.12d/entity/C29378)
Mapping from caCORE REST data service to CTS2 REST service: