The purpose of this document is to document the current Docker setup at NCI which provides extended testing and reporting. 

In the future, we will set up LexEVS to be deployed via Docker containers.


The Mayo development team currently has Docker and Jenkins setup locally to build and test all of the LexEVS components.  It is our intent to move this setup to NCI for a more permanent and stable location.  Additionally, we intend on working with the systems team to prototype deploying LexEVS in as Docker containers.

LexEVS System Test

The lexevs-system-test is a Docker script that builds and tests all of the LexEVS components.  Jenkins is used to kick off the Docker script.


Currently the lexevs-system-test is configured and running nightly at NCI.

When the Jenkins build is started, it simply calls a Docker script, passing in parameters that define the LexEVS component branches.

When the Docker script completes, the Jenkin build captures the test reports (XML) files.


The Docker script is where all of the work is done. 

The Git Docker project is located here:

Below is a high level view of what the script does.

NCI Docker Locations


Additionally, we would like to create more standard containers based on NCI's technology stack and have the containers stored in Nexus for us to pull into our builds.  For example, we would like to create a container with  NCI approved technology. These containers may include the following:

We have found in our testing that versions of the above components are regularly updated and at times, the version we specify in our script is no longer available which subsequently breaks our builds.  Having consistent, known versions (based on NCI's technology stack) that are available for our builds would provide greater stability.

Next Steps

Our next step is to work with the Systems team to develop LexEVS Docker container(s) that could be deployed to an NCI DEV Docker environment that could be used for testing.

NCI Configuration

These are the links to the systems at NCI that have been set up for migrating our lexevs-system-test script to NCI.

Jenkins - Jenkins server to run the lexevs-system-test.

Nexus - Nexus server to push specific versions of NCI technology stack software to.  This will be used by the Docker script to pull versions of software that are approved by NCI.

Docker interface:

Pull standard images from hub.docker and push to NCI Nexus server

Need to log into NCI Docker hub first

MySQL 5.6.33

Pull from docker hub

Tag the mysql container

Push to NCI Nexus

Tomcat 8.0.43-jre8
Pull from docker hub

Tag the tomcat container

Push to NCI Nexus