The publishable history files will be located at /priv-file-repo/protege/archive/Production-History.  The source history files will be located in /priv-file-repo/PROD/NCIT/<hash>.  The operations team will be responsible for updating the publishable history directory with the appropriate sources files and generating a history file that can be loaded into LexEVS.

         |    |_NCIT
         |    |   |_hash1
         |    |   |   |_cumulative_ncitevs_history
         |    |   |   |_ncitconcept_history
         |    |   |   |_ncitevs_history
         |    |   |_hash2
         |    |   |_...
         |    |_cumulative_history.txt
         |    |_cumulative_ncitconcept_history
         |    |_cumulative_ncitevs_history


EVS History

This file is the detailed history written for internal purposes. It includes editor names and the exact date of any and all modifications to the concepts.  Protege creates a full, cumulative EVS history with every history export.  This file needs to merely be copied from the source directory to the Production-History, overwriting the file that is there.