The way in which you register trials in the CTRP depends on a combination of the trial's Data Table 4 Categorization as either Complete or Abbreviated, your affiliated organization and its role in the trial, and whether the trial currently is registered in with an NCT ID.

For instructions, refer to the following pages:

Guidelines for Trials with NCT IDs

If the trial is an Industry funded trial, and has an NCT ID, then it can be imported into CTRP from in most cases. In some special cases, however, the trial cannot be imported directly and instead you must contact the CTRO for assistance.

The system assigns the trial you import from the Data Table 4 Category (funding source) Industrial/Other. To specify whether the trial is Industrial, or to specify if an Other trial is National or Externally Peer-Reviewed, contact the CTRO for assistance at For funding source definitions, see

Guideline for Trials without NCT IDs

If your trial is Abbreviated but does not have an NCT ID, please contact the CTRO for assistance at CTRO registers these trials manually.