If you are a Site Administrator, you can specify the local trial ID for each of the trials described in Managing Data Table 4 Information for Your Center.

  1. On the toolbar, click Administration > Manage DT4 Information > . A page by that name appears.

    Screenshot TBD.

  2. In the row for the trial of interest, in the Local Trial ID column, enter your site's ID for the trial:
    1. Click the existing value (or Empty). A text box appears.

      Screenshot TBD.

    2. Change the value or enter a new one. When done, click the check mark. The system saves your changes.

The Local Trial ID column won’t be used in the DT4 nor copied into the Center Local Trial ID field (in Registration) of the Data Table 4 report. For instructions on generating that report, refer to Running CTRP Data Table 4 Reports.