Batch Load of LexEVS Source Asserted Value Sets To Definition

This admin script defaults to the NCI Thesaurus.  Adding a version is required at this time to define which Thesaurus version is considered production.  Other script designations can further define parameters, but are generally not required

-cs, --codingScheme     usage="Name of Coding Scheme that asserts values sets"

-v, --version                 usage="Version of the coding scheme."

-a, --association            usage="Relationship name asserted by the Doding Scheme

-t, --target                    usage="Target to Source resolution."

-uri, --uri                      usage="Base uri to build the coding scheme uri upon"

-o, --owner                   usage="Owner of the value set assertion"

-s, --sourceName          usage="Gives the name of the property to resolve the source value against"

./ -v 18.03d

Indexing LexEVS Source Asserted Value Sets

Add sections as needed. Delete the headings if none are needed. Delete the instructions, leaving the page-info macro and the contents if there are headings.