
The Asserted Value Set services are integrated parts of the LexEVS API. It provide several functions:

Getting Source Asserted Value Sets as CodingScheme or Coding Scheme reference objects

Getting the entities of Source Asserted Value Sets as ResolvedConceptReference objects as Lists or Iterators

Getting a list of all unique identifiers of value set top nodes from this source terminology

Getting a list of all schemes used to resolve a given set of values from a resolved value set coding scheme

Most coding scheme representations and entity reference sets are resolved by the unique URL of the coding scheme.  Some allow a definition of a concept or text match.  All methods offer a resolution service to some set of values.  These mechanisms are largely read functions requiring a listing of known values or an exact match of a unique identifier.  Only one offers what could be classified as a search. 


SourceAssertedValueSetService Class Diagram


LexEVS Asserted Value Set Definition Services API

LexEVS Value Set Definition Services provides three major functions:

Each of these functions are described in following sections.


List Functions

Coding Scheme Read Functions