
The Asserted Value Set Search is an extension of the LexEVS API. It provides extended options value set searches


SourceAssertedValueSetSearchExtension Class Diagram

LexEVS Asserted Value Set Search  API

LexEVS Asserted Value Set Search Services provides search methods with a variety of inputs


Asserted Value Set Search





Lists matching concept reference based on property or presentation text or other matching criteria


String textMatch: Matching text for presentation, property or unique identifier (code)

Set<CodingSchemeReference> (optional): Coding scheme representation of value set reference

Set<CodingSchemeReference> (optional): Resolved Value Sets to Include in search

MatchAlgorithm value: Generally exact or contains matches on text from property, presentation, or code

boolean isAnonymous (optional): Anonymous is normally excluded set to true if you want these included

boolean isActive (optional): Inactive entities are normally excluded but can be flagged for inclusion


ResolvedConceptRefenerencesIterator:  Iterator over ResolvedConceptRefernences retrieved from the value set



Implementation Details:

Call this method on the on the search extension to query indexes of asserted value sets
Sample Call:

  • Step 1: Instantiate SourceAssertedValueSetSearchExtension if it is not done yet:

        LexBIGService lbsvc;
        SourceAssertedValueSetSearchExtensionImpl assertedVSsvc;
        lbsvc = LexBIGServiceImpl.defaultInstance();
        assertedVSsvc = (SourceAssertedValueSetSearchExtensionImpl) lbsvc
  • Step 2: List all the coding scheme representations of the value sets

    //Instantiate a relevant value set coding scheme reference
    Set<CodingSchemeReference> refs = new HashSet<CodingSchemeReference>();
    CodingSchemeReference r = new CodingSchemeReference();
    //Resolve a set of results as an iterator
    ResolvedConceptReferencesIterator itr = assertedVSsvc.
         search("blindingly white color", refs, null,
          MatchAlgorithm.PROPERTY_EXACT, false, false);