
When you download content from DCC, the system provides one or both of the following download summaries:

When you receive a download notification message:

  1. Download the content by clicking each link. What happens next depends on whether the link has expired: 
  2. If the link has not expired, take the following actions:
    1. Find the downloaded file and open it. It contains the HTM file mentioned above, one or more text files, and possibly one or more sub-folders, depending on your download selections. 
    2. Open the HTM file. The CSSI DCC Download Summary appears in a browser window. 
  3. If the link has expired, the options available depend on various factors:
    1. If possible, click View. (Log in as described in Logging In to the CSSI DCC Portal, if prompted to do so.) A File Download page appears. Click Re-request. The system sends a new download notification message.
    2. Otherwise, click the contact us link. 

Each summary includes all of the pertinent information about the data you downloaded. The following table lists the types of information available in the summary:

InformationEmailHTM File
The title of each investigation you selected for download.YesYes
Investigation ID.NoYes
Download date.YesYes
The title of each study you selected for download.YesYes
The filenames of each assay you selected for download.YesYes
Any metadata filters you applied to those files.YesYes
Download link and file size. Expiration notice, if applicable.YesNo
Data file counts.NoYes
A missing file list, if any files are missing.NoYes