Overview of alt text

Credit for the following goes to https://webaim.org/techniques/alttext/.

Add alt text in the Insert Image dialog

Confluence supports adding alternative text in the Image Properties dialog box.

  1. Open the page on which you want to see the image.
  2. Select  Plus sign indicating Insert menu in Confluence> Files and Images.
  3. Select the image to insert.
  4. Click the image to display the image properties menu.
    Image properties menu
  5. Click the Properties button.
  6. The Image Properties dialog box appears.
    Image Properties dialog box
  7. Enter Alt text in the Alt text field. Do not add text in the Title text field.

Add alt text in the XHTML

To enter alt text in the XHTML, enter the ac:alt attribute in the ac:image element as follows.

<ac:image ac:alt="caDSR logo">

Confluence deletes the alt text if you spell or punctuate it incorrectly. For best results, you should also insert it as shown in the preceding example, after ac:image.

An image inserted this way has alt text, which is evident to the user of a screen reader for the following image. Display the image properties in the browser to view the alt text.

caDSR logo