If you decide to use the CLI to perform various activities in DME, the following steps are pre-requisites: 

  1. Prepare Java:
    1. Download Java 1.8.x from the following page: 
    2. Install Java, as described in the following installation instructions: 
    3. Update your PATH environment variable with the Java executable folder. For example: 
      For details, refer to the following instructions:
    4. Open a cmd or shell window. Type the following command to make sure it displays the version you intended to install:
      java –version
  2. Prepare the DME CLI:
    1. If you are using Windows, decide how you will use the command line utilities: 
    2. Use the following command to clone DME utilities to your local machine:
      Git clone https://github.com/CBIIT/HPC_DME_APIs

    3. Navigate to the HPC_DME_APIs/utils folder. Open README.md and follow the instructions in that file.