Links to videos used at the NCI Community call

Project Summary Videos

The initial query with the DICubed i2b2 prototype will be to find the number of patients between the ages of 40 and 50 years.

To perform a query in i2b2, one must select query terms from the "Navigate Terms" tab in the upper left of the screen. Opening the Demographics folder, we see a term for Age, along with folders for Race and Sex.  As we hover over of the Age term we see a tooltip with a definition of the term along with its NCIt code. 

Next, we drag the Age term from the Navigate Terms view and drop it in the Query Tool.  We see a window that lets us enter parameters for the age term. We select the between operator, and then set 40 and 50 and our lower and upper bound. After clicking OK, we see that 40 - 50 Years range reflected in the Query Tool.

To execute the query, press the Run Query button. We see a variety of query options that are available in the system. Select Number of Patients and click OK to execute the query. The query returns with a patient count of 124 patients between the ages of 40 and 50 years.  

We now modify the query to find patients with invasive lobular breast carcinoma between the ages of 40 and 50. 

In the Navigate Terms window, open the Primary Diagnosis folder. We see the subset of primary diagnoses applicable to the collection data in the prototype. Drag Invasive Lobular Breast Carcinoma to the Query Tool pane group 2. The prototype will search for patients with Age between 40 and 50 AND with Invasive Lobular Breast Carcinoma. Run the query with the breakdown options as before. We now see only 3 patients fit these criteria.