This page is a work in progress.

If you decide to use the CLU to perform various activities in DME, the following steps are pre-requisites: 

  1. Prepare Java:

    1. Download Java 1.8.x from the following page:
    2. Install Java, as described in the following installation instructions:
    3. Update your PATH system variable with the Java executable folder. For example: 


      For details, refer to the following instructions:
    4. Check whether you have performed the previous steps correctly: Open a cmd or shell window and type the following command. The command output should display the version of Java you intended to install:

      java –version
  2. Prepare the DME CLU:

    1. If you are using Windows, install Cygwin as described in the following site:
    2. Use the following command to clone DME utilities to your local machine:

      Git clone

    3. For further instructions, refer to the following file:

Ruth drafted the above instructions based on instructions in the DME User Guide in GitHub. Zhengwu later suggested following the Getting Started guide in GitHub instead.

Notes on the instructions in the above readme: 

  • Save the file (the copy of to the same folder. 
  • No need to edit the server lines. Just Uncomment the lines for the server: either Production or UAT.
  • Define the environment variable HPC_DM_UTILS as a system environment variable if possible. Otherwise, define it as a user environment variable.  
  • The sed command (for Windows) seems to change the line endings in the functions file.
  • The export command seems to be preparation for the source command. 
  • The source command seems to run the functions file.
  • The functions file has comments explaining each command it contains:
    • An export command that adds the utilities (the scripts folder) to the PATH environment variable.
    • Two sed commands (for Windows) that change the line endings in each file in the scripts folder and the line endings in the file.


  • Why not change line endings in the file, too?
  • Should these instructions be moved from the readme to this wiki?

Comparison of CLU setup instructions in the User Guide and the readme versus the Getting Started Guide in GitHub:

  • Both guides recommend running java -version. The User Guide specifies which java version is required, but Getting Started does not.
  • Getting Started specifies Curl 7.5.4 or above as a prerequisite, but the User Guide does not.
  • Both guides recommend Cygwin if using Windows.
  • Both guides specify a git clone command. Getting Started has .git at the end, but the User Guide does not.
  • The User Guide refers to the readme for further instructions after the git clone command. The Getting Started seems self-contained.
  • The readme says to copy the file. Getting Started says to copy or rename it, but then recommends making a backup copy before editing.
  • Both the readme and Getting Started have instructions for specifying hpc.server.url, hpc.user, and hpc.default.globus.endpoint, but those instructions in Getting Started are more clear.
  • Getting Started has instructions for specifying hpc.ssl.keystore.password and other properties, but the readme does not.