• dm_generate_token

This page is a work in progress.

If you decide to use the CLU to perform various activities in DME, the following steps are pre-requisites: 

  1. If you are using Windows, install Cygwin as described in the following site: https://www.cygwin.com/

  2. Check which version of Java is currently installed:

    java –version

    The command output should display the version of Java. DME requires Java 1.8.x.

  3. If Java 1.8.x is not installed, perform the following steps:
    1. Download Java 1.8.x from the following page:  https://www.java.com/en/download/

    2. Install Java, as described in the following installation instructions:  https://www.java.com/en/download/help/index_installing.xml

    3. Update your PATH system variable with the Java executable folder (such as c:/jdk1.8_13/bin). For details, refer to the following instructions: https://java.com/en/download/help/path.xml

    4. Check whether you have performed the previous steps correctly by repeating the java -version command. 

  4. In a cmd or shell window, type the following command in your working directory to clone DME utilities to your local machine:

    Git clone https://github.com/CBIIT/HPC_DME_APIs

    The system creates a subdirectory (HPC_DME_APIs) containing all files from that GitHub repository. 

  5. In the HPC_DME_APIs/utils/ folder, create a copy of the sample configuration file (hpcdme.properties-sample) and rename it (as hpcdme.properties). Edit your hpcdme.properties file to make the following configuration changes:

    Server settings

    If you want to connect to the Production tier, uncomment the Production server settings and comment out the UAT server settings. By default, the UAT server settings are enabled.

    hpc.ssl.keystore.passwordContact NCIDataVault@mail.nih.gov to request this password.

    Specify your NIH username.

    hpc.default.globus.endpointIf you intend to use the Globus integration, specify the UUID of the Globus endpoint that you want to use.
    Other properties not mentioned aboveThese properties are for special cases and internal use only. If you have questions about these properties, contact NCIDataVault@mail.nih.gov.


  6. Configure environment variables:

    1. Navigate to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile file, where ~ represents your home directory. For example: 

    2. Edit your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile file to append the following commands, where <client_utils_home> is the absolute path to the HPC_DME_APIs\utils\ folder. The following commands define the HPC_DM_UTILS environment variable and update the PATH environment variable to include the path to the scripts folder:

      export HPC_DM_UTILS="<client_utils_home>"
      export PATH=$HPC_DM_UTILS/scripts/:$PATH
  7. If you are using Cygwin on Windows, run the following commands in Cygwin to change end of line delimiters from Windows standard to Unix standard in any files involved in CLU setup: 

    1. Adjust the line delimiters in the file with your export commands (~/.bashrc or ~/.profile). For example: 

      sed -i "s/\r$//" ~/.bashrc
    2. To make the above line delimiter changes take effect in current Bash session, source the modified file (~/.bashrc or ~/.profile). For example: 

      source ~/.bashrc
    3. Adjust the line delimiters in all files in the scripts folder. Use the following command:

      sed -i "s/\r$//" $HPC_DM_UTILS/scripts/*
  8. Generate a DME API authentication token. With this token, you avoid repeatedly typing your password for every command requiring authentication to DME API server: 

    1. Run the following command:

    2. When prompted to do so, specify your password. If the system is able to generate your authentication token, it displays statistics for the DME system. 

For instructions on other DME CLU commands, refer to the User Guide in the following location:
