
h4. {page-info:title}

This page shows the general form of the live-template macro, and the attachment shows an example of the macro in use. The Test Template is a space template created and modified for this test. It could also be used as a static template.

[More information|http://www.customware.net/repository/display/AtlassianPlugins/live-template]

The general form is:
{live-template:Page Template Name}

To use the {live-template} macro:

* Create a template in the template editing interface.
* Put the {live-template} macro on a page you want to create using the template, and update each time the template is updated.

For this example, the Test Template started with this content:

This is a test template. The last word is five (5), spelled out all in caps. FIVE

The template was changed, so the word "FIVE" is followed by a comma and the word "SIX."

The [Template Test Page] shows the live template macro and how it renders the template after the template has been changed.

The macro on the [Template Test Page] is:
{code}{live-template:Template Test}{code}
