These pages are being reorganized. Each level will provide a list of pages at that level. At this time, the heading levels are not correct and the pages are not all organized in a hierarchy.

This page lists the resources for Section 508 Compliance known by the documentation team and includes in-context links to all the child pages of this page. You are invited to add links. The contents of this page are:

Section 508 Best Practices and Guidelines by CBIIT and caBIG

Please add links to best practices, remediation strategies, and any additional information you discover as we work toward our goal of 508 compliance.

Visit this page to see the syntax for alt text in Confluence and MediaWiki: How do I add alt text for an image on a wiki?. Visit UML Modeling and Accessibility (a child page of this page) for information about a full alternative experience for UML Model diagrams and other images. A blog post on explains What Does a Describer Do?. Documentation Team Guidelines for Alternative Experience of Images are posted in the child pages of this page.

Archive older documents posted on websites. The caBIG Community Site archive is at

NCI and CBIIT Sites on Section 508 Compliance

HHS Guidance on 508 Compliance

See the section titled "Section 508 Best Practices and Guidelines by CBIIT and caBIG" for caBIG guidelines for MS Word and PowerPoint files.

US Government Forums and Mail lists

Other US Government Accessibility Sites

General Information from the US Government

eLearning Guidelines on Government Sites

Links to Other Section 508 Compliance Resources

Adobe Resources

Web accessibility Guidelines

General Accessibility Sites

Screen Readers