If you are logged in, you can request to download data files from multiple investigations, studies, and assays. For initial setup, refer to Prerequisites for Downloading Large Files with Globus.

To request multiple downloads using Globus

  1. Log in to the CSSI DCC portal. For instructions, refer to Logging In to the CSSI DCC Portal.
  2. Browse for or search for the investigation data that you want to download. For instructions, refer to Browsing Investigations or Searching Investigation Data.
  3. Consider filtering the investigation data that you want to download. For instructions, refer to Visualizing and Filtering Data
  4. Select the objects that you want to download. You can include in the download objects at any or all levels (one or more investigations, one or more studies, and/or one or more assays). You can include filtered or unfiltered content. Take one or both of the following actions:
  5. When you have added all of the data files that you want to download, click the download icon in the menu bar. 
    menu bar with download icon next to Help menu
    The Request Multiple Downloads dialog box appears, with a list of investigations. For each investigation, the dialog box indicates the number of files you have selected, the combined file size for those files, and whether you have filtered the content. 
    Request Multiple Downloads dialog box with objects selected from three investigations
  6. In the Request Multiple Downloads dialog box, consider the following options:
  7. When you are ready to download using Globus, complete the following steps:

    1. In the Request Multiple Downloads dialog box: Enter or confirm the email address at which you want to receive the download link. Click the Transfer with Globus checkbox. Click Request Download.

    2. Respond to the reCAPTCHA dialog box.

    3. If you have not confirmed your Globus ID previously, the Globus Data Transfer dialog box appears. In this case, enter your Globus ID. (The default value might not be your Globus ID.) Click Confirm

      For future updates of this page, you can make this dialog box appear again by deleting the DCC user account in the Admin Dashboard. Also, Rajani said the reCAPTCHA dialog box always appears in Production tier, never on the Test tier.

      The Globus Data Transfer dialog box.

    The system responds in the following ways:

  8. Click the link in the message. A Globus page appears. Log into Globus, if prompted to do so. The Globus File Manager page appears. The system has already populated the starting endpoint on the right (/_download_target/...) with the file you have selected for download in DCC. 

    Globus File Manager page.

  9. Finish the download process as follows:
    1. In the starting endpoint (on the right), select the zip file.
    2. On the left, select the destination endpoint and select the folder where you want to place the downloaded file. Navigate to the folder, if necessary. 
    3. Click the Start button that points to the destination to begin the transfer request.  
      A message appears on the screen when the transfer request is submitted successfully. 

      Message on Globus File Manager page indicating transfer request submitted successfully. 
      When the request is granted and the transfer succeeds, Globus sends a notification message to the email address associated with your Globus account.

For more information about transferring files with Globus, refer to Globus Support