LexEVS 6.5.3 Release Highlights Include:

LexEVS Migration from 6.5.4

(Not available for Remote Client – do not add configuration values or new dependencies as these will break the Distributed Client)

Configuration (Local LexEVS only)

New or Updated Dependencies

arangodb-java-driver 6.1.0

velocypack 1.4.2

jackson-core 2.10.0.pr2

jackson-databind 2.10.0.pr2

jackson-core-asl 1.9.13"

jackson-mapper-asl 1.9.13

spring-web 3.1.0.RELEASE

Issues Fixed in this Release

LexEVS 6.5.3 - Features Implemented

LexEVS 6.5.4 - Features Implemented

LEXGRAPH 6.5.4 - Features Implemented


Integrate ArangoDB metadata elements into REST API


Adding a single step or user determined query method to the REST API


Extend Testing to include broader example set from LexEVS


Adding Description to Model for Vertex