Building a new Protege version on Dev

  1. You will be notified of the new build number.  For example: nci-1.00v
  2. On the dev machine go to /local/project and create a directory "mkdir nciedittab-dev-1.00v"
  3. Enter the directory and checkout the project from git "git clone"
  4. The clone will create a directory "nci-protege5".   Enter into the scripts subdirectory "cd nci-protege5/scripts/"
  5. Run the build script, passing in the version number "./ nci-1.00v ncievs".  Occasionally we may need to build from another server.  The developer should notify when this is necessary.
  6. Review the output for errors or build failures.
  7. Shutdown the protege server and explanation server (See below)
  8. Navigate to /local/content/protege/
  9. Move the protegeserver directory to a backup and create an empty folder in its place 
    1. "mv protegeserver protegeserver-bak"
    2. "mkdir protegeserver"
  10. Repeat the backup step for explanationserver and protegedesktop
  11. Copy the new protegeserver into the empty server directory "cp -r /local/project/nciedittab-dev-1.00v/nci-protege5/scripts/nci-protege5/protege-server/target/server-distribution/server/* ./protegeserver/"
  12. Copy the new protegedesktop into the empty desktop directory "cp -r 

    /local/project/nciedittab-dev-1.00v/nci-protege5/scripts/nci-protege5/protege/protege-desktop/target/protege-5.1.1-SNAPSHOT-platform-independent/Protege-5.1.1-SNAPSHOT/* ./protegedesktop"

Shutdown/Startup of Services

There are two services supporting Protege - the main protege server and the explanation server.  The main server should be shutdown before the explanation server.  When starting, the explanation server should be started before the protege server.


  1. Navigate to /local/content/protege/scripts/
  2. To shutdown the protegeserver: "./" 


  1. Navigate to /local/content/protege/scripts/
  2. To startup protege server: "./"
  3. Do "tail ../logs/protserv-console.txt" to check that the protege server is running.
  4. To startup explanation server: “./pellet server --config /local/content/protege/protegedata/configdata/ start"
  5. Do "tail ../logs/pellet-console.txt" to check that the explanation server is running.

Packaging Server for Deployment to Upper Tier

  1. Navigate to /tmp/protege and remove any files and folders there
  2. Copy up server directory -  cp -R /local/content/protege/protegeserver .
  3. Copy tarball to /priv-file-repo/protege/deployment
  4. Move any previous versions to /priv-file-repo/protege/archive/deployment-package

Packaging Client for Deployment

There is a script called that will perform all of the below.  You pass in the version of the protege build number as a parameter "./ <version>"

  1. Navigate to /local/project/protegeClientPackage
  2. Remove any previous zip files and version directories but leave everything else.
    1. i.e. remove nci-protege5_V<previous> and nci-protege5_V<previous>.zip
  3. Create directory nci-protege5_V<current>
  4. Copy in the desktop client "cp r /local/content/protege/protegedesktop/* ./nci-protege5_V<current>"
  5. Copy the jre and run scripts into the new directory
    1. cp -r ./jre<version> ./nci-protege5_V<current>/

    2. cp run.* ./nci-protege5_V<current>/

    3. cp removeOldPlugins.bat ./nci-protege5_V<current>/

    4. cp -rf bookmark ./nci-protege5_V<current>/

    5. cp .fileprefs ./nci-protege5_V<current>/

  6. Create a zip "zip -r nci-protege5_V<current>.zip nci-protege5_V<current>"


The .fileprefs copied into the package should have most of the below.  You will need to login to the server to access and index data (step 7 and 8)

  1. Unzip the protege package in your chosen directory
  2. Run the bat or sh file
  3. Do NOT immediately accept download of plugins.  
    1. Go to Launcher/Preferences then the plugins tab.  Make sure you are pointed to the correct plugins location.
    2. Go to File/Check for plugins and select all plugins
    3. Restart protege
  4. Set up Lucene - Go to File/Preferences and choose Lucene in the General tab
  5. Set up Pellet - Go to File/Preferences, the Reasoner tab and the Pellet sub-tab.  
    1. Select Remote as the reasoner type
    2. Enter the server address for pellet
  6. Optional - restart Protege
  7. Choose "File Open from Protege Server".  Enter the credentials and wait.
  8. Once open, go to Lucene tab and wait for it to index.
  9. Once indexing done go to Reasoner on the menu and select "Pellet" as the reasoner.
  10. Under Reasoner on the menu select "Start Reasoner"