You can create a graphically formatted note (caution), warning, info, or tip box.

  1. In the page you want to change, click Edit
  2. At the place on the page where you want the box to appear, type the first characters of the markup for the box you want to create: {no, {warn, {info, or {tip.
  3. When the macro browser opens, select the type of box, for example, Note.
  4. In the panel of the macro, enter the information you want to display in the box.

  5. To modify the box, select the panel and click Edit. A dialog box appears. To provide a title for the box, enter the title. To suppress the icon, clear the checkbox. Click Save.

Consider the following examples. To view the markup for these examples, open the Source Editor for this page. 

The body of the note.

The warning message.

The useful information.

The tip.