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caArray/UPT Installation

Release Up To: caArray 2.4.0

Date entered: 01/06/2009

Date last updated: /06/02/2011

<font color="red">Question:</font> *How to create caArray user with UPT? *

<font color="red">Answer:</font>

Since UPT is a shared user authorization system for all caGrid tools, users created for each tool are grouped in UPT CSM schema by "Application".

To create the user for caArray, you would need to first create an "Application" in UPT; point this application to the caArray installed; then create users within the application you just created.

It is necessary to have both UPT and caArray installed before you start creating caArray users.

Launch UPT

To launch UPT application, first open a browser and access UPT via URL at :


The parameters are defined in UPT's configuration file:

You would need different UPT logins to create application and users:

To read more on how to use UPT application, please refer to UPT User Guide.

Create caArray Application with UPT

Figure 3. illustrates the flow of how a new application is created with UPT.

Step 1. Login UPT's CSM schema as "superadmin" (it is the default username created during UPT installation, this step will sign you in UPT schema)
Username: superadmin
Password: changeme
Application: csmupt
Step 2. Create an User (This is going to be your application's admin, in step below. It is recommended not to use 'caarrayadmin'. Since 'caarrayadmin' is the defaulted super user created in caArray CSM_user table for application data administration during caArray Installation.)
Step 3. Create an Application (see sample below).
Step 4. Associate User created in Step 2 with Application created in Step 3
Step 5. Re-login to UPT with the username created in step 2, and with the application created in step 3 (This step signs you in caArray Schema)
Step 6. Update Association.

Application Confirguration

When you create the application, you will need to point this application to the actual application installed. It is important to enter the consistent valued as those specified in the application configuration file. Following is a sample set of parameters used to create the caArray application:

Application Name:caArray

Application Description:caArray description

Application Declarative Flag:Yes

Application Active Flag:Yes

Application Database URL:jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/caarraydb

Application Database Username:caarray_database_owner

Application Database Password:changeme

Application Database Dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect

Application Database Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Application CSM Version: 4.2

Worth Mentioning:

1. Application Database Username should correspond to the value for the "database.user" property which you specified in
2. Environment variable substitution string (${}) is not supported. See examples below:

Application Database Driver: ${com.mysql.jdbc.Driver} - Invalid Syntax
Application Database Driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver - Correct Syntax

3. Application Name is case sensitive. For example, caaaray != caArray
4. The administration user created in step 2 can be associated with more than one applications.

For example, you may create a user called "LSD-SuperAdmin" and associate this user with all your applications installed, such as: caArray, caGWAS, Rembrandt etc. By this way, you would be able to login, with one set of username/password, to all LSD applications deployed in your institution, as long as the application name is changed accordingly during the login process.

5. UPT 4.2 is backwards compatible with previous versions of CSM. When you provision the application in UPT 4.2, you will be asked to specify the CSM version caArray 2.4.x is using. You should enter 4.2, since that is the version that caArray uses.

Create caArray Users with UPT

An application user can only be created after the application is created in UPT (Figure 2):

What happen at database level?

During the installation process for UPT or other applications, a CSM schema is created for UPT and each application tool (except those applications that do not need database). Each CSM schema has its sampler/default users and a role/permission structure. For UPT CSM schema, "superadmin" is created by default, which has the privilege to create other user or application. For caArray CSM schema, "caArrayAdmin" is created by default, which is a "super User" with the privilege to view or modify all caArray's data. However, "caArrayAdmin" can not create other caArray user.

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