
cloak.toggle.type = text

Topic: caArray Usage

Release: Up to caArray 2.x

Date entered: August 31, 2009


Question: How to change caArray admin e-mail address after installation?

Can I change the admin (caArray registration) e-mail address after installation? I had tried to configure it in the JBOSS of caArray, however it did not seem to work.


Yes, you can update the admin email address after caArray installation. The "To:" and "From:" email addresses can be updated in the MySQL DB. Here is the example SQL that will set both values:

 update config_parameter set raw_value = 'sysadmin@mydomain.com' where param = 'REG_EMAIL_TO';
 update config_parameter set raw_value = 'noreply@mydomain.com' where param = 'EMAIL_FROM';

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