caArray/UPT Installation

Release Up To: caArray 2.2.0

Date entered: 12/18/2008

Question: Is UPT required for caArray or other application tools in LSD Bundle?


Yes. User Provisioning Tool (UPT) is LSD user management tool that provides authorization policy to all LSD applications. To configure application properly, UPT has to be properly installed prior to any other LSD application installation.

The LSD applications use Common Security Module's (CSM) API's in their application to enforce Authorization Policy. Applications in their business logic make CSM API calls to check if users have access/permissions before providing any access to the underlying data. The Authorization policy is stored in the CSM Schema and provisioned by the CSM User Provisioning Tool (UPT). The LSD bundle is architected with the capability to share a single database and single UPT for all applications.

Picture below is a simplified illustration of two components used in caArray application: caArray and UPT. caArray application runs in its own container(application server). The UPT runs in a separate container. Both caArray and UPT has its own CSM schema. caArray user information will be created and maintained with UPT, but stored in its own CSM schema.

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